Are you someone who needs others to co-sign on your ideas?
You’re afraid of being judged, criticized, or doing it “wrong.”
This might look like:
You want to write a book but struggle to start writing or sharing this dream with others.
You constantly seek validation from fellow writers & online writing communities.
You do all the research to ensure your idea is worth pursuing and that you know exactly how to do it.
You don’t trust your own creativity & you rely on external validation before taking any concrete steps toward writing.
Perhaps you want to switch careers and pursue your desire to become a wedding planner.
You constantly seek validation from your friends & family that this is a good idea.
You don’t attend workshops or start marketing your business until everyone else is onboard, too.
You struggle to trust your own talent & abilities without constant reassurance from others.
You spend time talking to everyone else rather than
Believing in your ideas,
Being proactive in your decision-making,
Taking empowered action,
(Even if others are skeptical),
And developing the self-confidence
To make decisions based on your desires and values,
Trusting your own judgment,
Embracing your individuality,
And creating & living a life you love.
You don’t need others to opt in, co-sign, or agree with what you are doing.
You only need to believe in yourself,
Recognizing your own enoughness,
Just as you are.
If you’d like help to recognize your own enoughness, I can help.
Click here to take the first step & book your complimentary, no-obligation consultation.
As a reminder, for LHW employees, coaching is free! Click here to book your in-person coaching session or here for a remote coaching session.