One of the most profound things I learned through my journalling allowed me to put down so much fear & anxiety; it absolutely freed me.
I never worried about that situation again. Ever.
I’m an avid journaler.
Through writing, I’ve learned a lot.
And I believe we can empower ourselves and gain clarity by answering our own questions.
So, what’s one question that’s been bothering you?
How much time, energy & effort do you spend thinking about it?
You may have a decision to make, some confusion to clear up, or a problem to work out.
I challenge you today to answer it for yourself.
Write it out.
Get all of your thoughts out, all of your questions, and answer them one by one.
If you’re not used to writing, just try it–
See what comes up for you.
And I’ll share a few pro tips:
Create a safe space for yourself. This is just an experiment to see what you can work out on your own.
Try not to judge yourself. No one says you must follow through with anything; you can decide that later. For now, just write it out.
If you’re worried that someone will find it– tear it up & throw it away as soon as you’re done writing.
If more questions come up, answer those questions, too.
If you’re worried it will take too long, set a time for as much as you want to spend on it. When the timer goes off, you can decide if you want to keep writing or not.
Journaling has had a profound impact on my life.
The ability to get my thoughts out on paper, where I can look at them objectively and then decide what (if anything) to do about them.
Seriously, it’s priceless.
Are you a journaler? What has been your experience?
If this is your first time, how did it go?
If this is interesting to you & you’d like to learn more, I am an open-book—
Ask away or reach out.
I’m happy to share.