
Alex Hormozi said, “If you want to see who has the most control over your life… just look at who you blame.”


So much truth in this.

It’s so much easier to put the blame elsewhere,

Rather than face the cold, hard truth–

(And I say this with all the love in the world)

That it’s you.

You are to blame.

So often, we think our fate lies in the hands of others.

We give all of that power away.

But it’s you.

You have the control.

The power lies with you.

You have the ability to make a change.

And every moment that you are not changing….

Is a moment that you are choosing the exact same results.

Staying small.

Staying safe.

Not taking any risks.

Not learning.

Not growing.

Not taking any action.

Not creating any data from which to learn.

This surely is the harder path.

The one where you see that it’s on you.

But it’s the path that creates results.

Radical ownership is when you see that– 

It lies with you.

Your life.

Your business.

Your relationships.

Your happiness.

The only question that remains is:

Are you willing to do what it takes?

And the only way you will know is by trying.

You take action.

Have data.

Analyze the data.

See if you’ve created the results you want.

If not, you try something else.





If you want to see who has the most control over your life,

Look no further than yourself.

If you’d like to learn more about radical ownership to have the power & control to create the results you want in life, I can help you.