Scott is a positive influence who uplifts and supports me. (I definitely could not do this as gracefully without him.)
SUPping brings me joy & fulfillment.
Sunshine & warm weather are LIFE!!
And what environment could be any more positive to nurture my well-being & reinforce my belief in my enoughness?
(I mean, riverside sushi dinner?!? Yes, please!!)
We had the best time. I LOVE taking full advantage of these beautiful days.
For these reasons, Christine Seager Coaching was closed this afternoon. (Back to regularly scheduled programming tomorrow.)
P.S. This is the life I’ve created for myself. It wasn’t always like this. It doesn’t happen overnight, but it for sure is doable. And this is possible for you, too. If you would like to create & live a life you love, I would be honored to support you on your journey. Click here to book a complimentary, no-obligation consultation call.
You feel overwhelmed, your brain screaming on the inside, but luckily only for a moment.
First, you stop and take a breath, allowing yourself a moment to ground and regain focus. This simple act of pausing creates space for clarity.
Next, you consider the thought causing your overwhelm: “I have so much to do, and I’m running out of time.”
You question that thought: “Is this true?”
No, it isn’t. While there is a lot to do, you actually have until about 8 PM tonight, which gives you 7 hours. That’s plenty of time.
Then, you look at your surroundings to identify what you can do to have the biggest positive impact in the least amount of time. You also know that clutter adds to your stress.
One task is easy and impactful: you take 5 minutes to pick up your desk.
Allowing yourself a moment to ground and regain focus, you understand that thoughts have a powerful impact on your emotions and actions. By recognizing the specific thought, you can understand how it affects you.
You separate facts from your thoughts, as thoughts can be distorted by anxiety or stress. Facts provide an objective and concrete perspective on the situation.
The key is to focus on what you can do right now. Choose something manageable yet impactful.
With determination, you commit to completing that one small task, knowing that taking action generates momentum and pushes you beyond the grip of overwhelm.
It’s about taking concrete steps to regain control and make progress.
The next time you feel overwhelmed, take that first breath, identify the thought, focus on the facts, choose one small impactful action, and do it.
If you want to conquer overwhelm and achieve your goals, I offer personalized one-on-one coaching sessions. Together, we will challenge limiting beliefs, develop practical strategies, and cultivate a mindset of clarity and resilience. Then, with ongoing support and guidance, you’ll create an action plan for consistent progress. Contact me for a complimentary consultation and take the first step towards reclaiming control over your life.
You are active, beautiful, and intelligent enough.
Your contributions are valuable and matter.
You do more than enough.
Don’t believe the negative thoughts in your head.
Reject those lies and find evidence that proves the opposite.
Feeling like you’re not pretty enough?
Find one thing, even a small detail, that you find pretty about yourself and focus on that.
Remind yourself, “I have beautiful eyes” or “My legs are amazing, just like my grandfather said.”
Feeling like you’re not fun enough?
Think about the last fun thing you did.
Or think of something fun you can do right now.
If your brain says, “I don’t know,” don’t accept that excuse.
Challenge yourself to come up with something fun and actually do it.
Afterward, remind yourself that you can have fun.
Feeling like you’re not smart enough?
Who determines what “smart enough” is?
How can you prove to yourself that you are smart?
And when will you know that you’ve reached that point?
The fact that you’re reading this post shows you’re making smart choices.
See? You are smart. LOL.
You are the person who spends the most time with yourself.
So, embrace your worthiness and stop self-sabotaging.
Recognize the goodness within yourself.
When you genuinely like yourself, life becomes easier.
Seeking validation from others is draining and depletes your spirit.
Find what you seek within yourself.
Prove to your brain that the opposite is true by finding evidence.
With this mindset, you can create the future of your dreams.
You are enough right now, and everything else is just a bonus.
P.S. I share this because I have gone through this transformative process myself. It is possible. Coaching has had a profound impact on my life, and it can do the same for you. I am passionate about coaching and believe everyone should experience it. Your life will become easier, happier, better, and more liberated if you do.
If you want to talk about coaching for yourself, click here to book a complimentary, no-obligation consultation.
Logan Health Whitefish employees! We have some important information to share with you. As part of your benefits package, coaching services are provided to you free of charge. This is a valuable opportunity that you can take advantage of by booking your coaching session today. Simply click here to get started.
Imagine the power of doing what you say you will do.
If you commit to getting up earlier and going to the gym, you actually do it. No excuses.
When you say you’ll stick to your schedule, you follow through. No exceptions.
For instance, if you plan to update your policies and procedures on Tuesday at 1 PM, you sit down and get it done. No delays.
If you set a time to leave for a dinner date at 6:30 PM, you’re ready and out the door at exactly that time. No running late.
By honoring your commitments, you eliminate drama, self-arguments, and worrying about unfinished tasks. You know precisely when things will get done because you do what you say you will do.
How can you make this a reality?
Assess the time needed for your daily tasks. Create a plan based on accurate time assessments. Stick to the plan (implement). Evaluate its effectiveness and make adjustments as needed.
This approach brings ease, peace, focus, confidence, and responsibility to your life. Just imagine being the person who’s reliable, punctual, and composed.
You have the ability to achieve this. Start by deciding to be someone who follows through on their commitments and then act accordingly. You can begin as a learner and practice until it becomes a natural habit.
If you desire support in becoming a person who keeps their word and experiencing a more fulfilling and joyful life, I’m here to help. Take the first step by booking a complimentary, no-obligation consultation here.
(Please note: Coaching is available free of charge for Logan Health Whitefish employees! It’s an amazing benefit! Click here to schedule your session.)
Do you think: I have way too much to do; there is never enough time. I’m always behind. I get one thing done & then there are six more to do. I’m not good at managing my time. I could get stuff done if people would stop interrupting me. Or my personal favorite: I’m running out of time.
You feel pressured, stressed, frustrated, annoyed, overwhelmed & worried.
You’re jealous of others who seem to get it all done.
You wonder how.
But everything is figureoutable.
And you have all of the rest of forever to figure it out.
You can start with some small steps, evaluate & correct course as you go.
Do a time assessment. Similar to how you would start a budget, see where you’re spending your time.
With this accurate data, create a plan. (We’re notorious for underestimating how long things will take and overestimating how much we can get done in a day.)
Define what a successful day is for you and do that; stick to the plan.
Then evaluate how did your plan work for you? Are there any changes you’d like to make for the next day or week? If so, cool– just correct course.
When you have a plan & stick to it, making it work for you, you will be more empowered, build self-trust, feel more accomplished & end each day with success instead of running around like a crazy lady!
Who doesn’t want some of that?
If managing your time is something you struggle with, imagine spending 30 minutes doing whatever YOU want– reading, working out, laying in the sun… what would it be for you? Can you even picture it?
If not, I can help you!! Let’s talk. Give me an hour & I’ll give you your life back!
P.S. On another note, you don’t need others to opt in, co-sign, or agree with what you are doing. You only need to believe in yourself, recognizing your own enoughness, just as you are.
If you’d like to learn how to do this, join me Wednesday, June 21, at 11 AM MT, for my next free Masterclass, Finding Your Enoughness.
Guess what? Your car is looking absolutely stunning with that fresh, detailed shine!
But let’s pause for a moment and explore why it ended up so sparkling clean.
Believe it or not, it all started with a touch of procrastination.
Here’s the story: You had a morning meeting followed by a five-hour gap before your next appointment.
Thinking you’d make good use of the time, you decided to head to the coffee shop to get organized before diving into your day.
After leaving the coffee shop, you had the idea to do some shopping. However, on your way, you realized your car was quite dirty and needed a wash.
You thought it would be convenient to stop at the car wash, but to your dismay, a long line of cars had formed ahead of you, causing a significant delay.
Feeling a bit frustrated, you abandoned the idea of the car wash and headed home. However, upon arriving, you noticed how dirty the garage floor was, prompting you to grab the broom and sweep it clean before even thinking about washing the car.
Finally, the moment arrived when you could wash the car. You diligently washed, dried, vacuumed, cleaned the windows, and even applied a protectant to the dashboard – going above and beyond the call of car washing duties.
But wait, what were you supposed to be working on again? Ah yes, the speech.
Reflect for a moment on how long it took for you to recognize that you were unintentionally procrastinating.
Now, ask yourself: What emotion were you avoiding by not working on your speech as planned?
Perhaps you felt confused, unsure about the next steps to take. But what if you allowed yourself to feel confused and still took action?
Consider this: If you weren’t confused, what would be the first step to tackle in your speech preparation?
Maybe it’s as simple as taking it out, reading through it, and determining if it’s complete or if something is missing.
The next time you catch yourself avoiding or procrastinating on a task, take a moment to ask yourself: What is the emotion I’m avoiding by not doing this particular thing?
Identify the emotion that arises and then decide how you want to proceed from there.
If you would like support in recognizing your procrastination patterns, understanding what you’re avoiding, and learning effective strategies to work through it, this is precisely what I help my clients with. If you’re interested in learning more, I’d be thrilled to chat; book a complimentary call using this link in my bio.
Together, we can overcome procrastination and create a path toward productivity and success.
(PS. Don’t forget coaching is always free if you are a Logan Health Whitefish employee! What a fantastic benefit!! Click here to book a session.)
The next time you catch yourself giving away your time, energy, or effort to someone else, take a moment to stop and reflect.
Ask yourself: What can I do right now to improve how I feel about the situation?
Remember, this is about you, not them.
Avoid getting caught up in thoughts like “They should do this” or “Why aren’t they doing that?”
Focus on what you can do for yourself in this moment.
Keep in mind that whatever is happening has already happened.
People have their own choices and free will.
You cannot control their actions, but you can control how you respond.
So, don’t rely on others changing their behavior for your happiness.
(Note: This doesn’t mean you have to accept or agree with what they’re doing.)
If you’re feeling unhappy, recognize that the only thing you can change is yourself – your actions, thoughts, and emotions.
They have the freedom to make their own choices, and you have the power to manage yourself.
For example, let’s say a neighbor’s dog keeps barking non-stop.
Instead of wasting time complaining and feeling upset, think about your options and take action.
You might put in earplugs, find a different workplace location, or devise a way to block out the noise.
It’s up to you to choose the best course of action.
Don’t waste your time, energy, and effort by dwelling on things you can’t control.
Focus on managing your own thoughts, feelings, and actions.
This is a learnable skill that requires awareness and practice.
And that’s exactly what I help my clients with.
If you’re tired of wasting your valuable resources and want to feel better while living a life you love, take the first step by booking a consultation using the link in my bio.
Together, we can empower you to control your happiness and create positive changes in your life.
(PS. Don’t forget coaching is always free if you are a Logan Health Whitefish employee! What an amazing benefit!! Click here to book a session.)
When you want to change your job, lose weight, drink less alcohol and more water, have a better relationship with your mother, and you feel like you need a compete life overhaul– you need to know you can 100% do all of that, just not all at once and not overnight.
The trick here is to practice constraint.
Start with one thing.
When you learn how to create good habits in one area and practice those habits seemingly automatically, add another area you want to change or improve.
Constraint eliminates overwhelm.
If you are trying to do everything everywhere all at once, start small then habit stack, adding little by little.
If you’d like help, the first step is to reach out.
I will help you prioritize where to start.
We’ll break down the specific steps for each goal.
I’ll support you when the discomfort, fear or worries come up,
And you will learn how to support yourself
As you grow and evolve into living a life you love.