accept where you are

Living a life you love starts with accepting where you are right now while striving for the future you want.

I point this out not so you can use this against yourself or beat yourself up, but so you can see you have the power to make changes. If you got yourself here, you could get yourself out of here. 

You have three choices when circumstances are going on around you. You can

  1. Resist them. 
  2. Accept them. 
  3. Change them. 

First, consider if you can change what is happening? Are you able to change the circumstances? What are you doing or not doing that may be contributing to this situation? 

If you can make changes, then great, do that. If you can’t, then consider: 

How might you be able to accept them? Where is some good in this situation? Or who are you willing to be? 

Your last option is to continue to resist them. Of course, we all know that “resistance is futile,” and IDK about you, but I prefer to take action… which brings me back to numbers one & two- can I change the circumstances? If not, then is there another action I can take here? If not, then I can learn to accept them. 

Let’s use a recent example: the current influx of people in the Valley. Last Saturday, my husband & I drove around for 2 hours trying to find parking & a place to paddle board on Flathead Lake. The third place we went still had no parking, and I lost my patience. So, I stepped myself through this process. 

The circumstance: No parking was available near Flathead Lake at three locations. 

Resist: I wasn’t going to continue to resist because I didn’t want it to ruin the beautiful day. 

Change: I considered- is there anything I can do to create parking at those places right now? No. 

Is there any other action I could take? For now, keep trying, and for next time, plan more, leave earlier, etc.

Accept: I realized that all these people also want to have a good time and enjoy the weather. I understand they want to visit or move here- it is a beautiful place. Luckily, I can choose to go home rather than get on the lake, or there are other lakes to try. 

Accepting these circumstances, I enjoyed the rest of the day and loved my day off in the Flathead. 

photo of my paddle boarding- my favorite summer activity

making decisions

Do you have a hard time making decisions?

I used to hate making decisions. I often asked Scott to order for me at restaurants because it felt like a luxury not to have to decide!

Can you imagine? Such a simple decision about what to eat for dinner!

You see, I put so much pressure on myself to “do the right thing,” make the “best” choice- knowing I have to live with the consequences if I didn’t.

Well, so what?

So what if I didn’t like the meal I ordered? I could decide to eat it or not; I still had a choice.

This small decision was certainly not worth the pressure, but what big decisions, like what job to take, what school to go to, what career path to follow, what investment to make with your time or money, even with clothes to wear.

There is such an easy solution:
Consult with your future self.
What would your future self do?
Are these the decisions she would make?
Are these clothes she would wear?
What would she do with her time right now?

Then, do that.

Photo: my future self makes good decisions that help me get back here- on vacation with my husband in Italy.

whole and complete

“There is nothing wrong with you.”

“There is no problem.”

“Everything is as it should be.” 

“You are right where you belong.” 

“All is well.” 

I used to feel frustrated when I heard people talking this way because I didn’t understand how this was true. I didn’t feel that way.

I did not feel like all was well. 

It seemed like there were many problems all over the place. 

And, I repeatedly found myself in the wrong place at the wrong time, no matter what I did. 

For many years, I searched and searched to find… well, I wasn’t sure what, exactly, I was looking for, but it sure seemed like something was missing. 

Until finally, I accepted & allowed things to be as they are. Now let’s be honest; I’m not 100% at this. I still try to maneuver, control, and manipulate, so I feel LESS uncomfortable. 

But I now see that I am right here, and I’ve been right here the whole time. 

Should there actually be a problem, I’ve got me. 

Should I do something “wrong,” I’ve got me. 

I can see the truth: I’m not going to die from this experience, this ‘thing’ that’s going on. I’m willing to be uncomfortable. As a matter of fact, I believe this “un-comfort” is what leads us to an extraordinary life. 

You, too, are whole and complete just as you are. 

There is nothing wrong with you. 

Everything is as it should be. 

You are right where you belong. 

already true

Fairy tales can come true; it can happen to you if you…

look for how it might ALREADY be true.  

Not what you were expecting, right? 

Let me explain. 

Three times this past week, I coached clients who were already living their dreams, 

But they didn’t even see it. 

Example #1: This client wanted to spend at least one month each spring traveling. This spring, she is taking two two-week vacations- two weeks in March and two weeks in May. Last I checked, 2+2= 4, and there are 4-weeks in a month, so she will be traveling for a month this spring. She didn’t realize she was ALREADY living her dream because it wasn’t four consecutive weeks. [It’s me, this example is me.]

Example #2: This client wants to pursue two different careers. One will provide a steady income, and one is her love and passion. She didn’t see that she had ALREADY achieved her dream because she had just spent an entire week devoted to her passion project while maintaining her business successfully.  

Example #3: She thought it would be cool to get paid to travel for work. She was hired for a job in a different town, too far to drive, so she stayed in a hotel overnight. They paid her fee. She didn’t realize that she had ALREADY achieved this dream because she hadn’t pieced it together. Work + hotel in a different town + payment = getting paid to travel for work. 

Y’all, our brains are tricky. Be on to them! You have to direct your mind to where you want it to focus. And this isn’t manifesting or making this up out of thin air. This is legit- we were already doing the things. s

I can speak for myself: I was too busy spending time in lack, feeling like it would never happen. Worrying about where the money would come from—wondering how I could make it be so. 

Fairy tales can come true… it can happen to you… maybe you just have to open your mind & see that it’s already happening. 

be willing… to be uncomfortable

Just imagine what would be possible for your life if you were willing to be uncomfortable.

We all have that negativity bias. Our brains need to conserve energy, so it looks for the easiest & most repetitive ways to do things. This is why anything new or different feels so scary but imagine all the things that would be possible for you if you were willing to be uncomfortable.

You could take risks and live an extraordinary life.
You could meet people and make amazing friends.
You could boldly put yourself out into the world- talking to people, telling them you’re a life coach, and making offers to help them… for example. 😉

How many more clients might you have, how many more customers could you serve, and how many people could you help if you were just willing to be uncomfortable and move past that initial fear and worry?

Be willing to be uncomfortable.

Don’t allow yourself to stop yourself before you even get started.

within you

Everything you need you already have within you.

The love and desire to do the thing.
The courage to take action.
The adventure and fun to love the results.

There is no need to seek outside of you.

Just trust.
Choose to believe.
Keep going.

no one “right” way

We think there is only one “right” way, but we don’t know what it is. 
We see others having the success we want, but we don’t know how. 
We wonder what they know that we don’t. 
We wonder what we’re missing. 
We wonder why they have “it,” and we don’t. 
We sit, maybe feeling sorry for ourselves, taking no action because it all feels so obscure. 

But here’s the truth. 

What works for them might not work for you. 
You won’t know until you try it. 

What works for you might not work for them, either. 
You won’t know until you try it. 

Be willing to try. 
Be willing to trust. 
Be willing to jump in with both feet. 

No action will keep you right where you are, and 
you were meant for more than this.


Let’s talk about confidence. 

Whenever you do something new or different, your confidence is at “risk.” Your fears, doubts, and worries pop up, and the chatter you hear in your mind gets louder; the more significant the change, the louder the chatter. 

Start by reminding yourself of a few things: Why do you want this change in the first place? What prompted it? What are the benefits? Why do you love this new thing? 

Then, identify the worries and fears. Write them out, one by one. Consider: is it true, or does it just feel that way? What are the facts about each worry- provable in the court of law? 

Lastly, write a list of what you do know. Have you seen the quote, “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can,” by Arthur Ashe? Where are you? What do you have? What can you do? Set a timer if you need it, and get creative. Write a list of all of the things that you do know. And remember, it’s fine to start small. You don’t need to have all the answers, just be willing to take the next step.

In just a few minutes, you will see that there are options; indeed, there is something that you can do. And once you see what you know, you’ll find that shift in your confidence. 

failure is not possible

Failure requires an endpoint against which to measure- otherwise, how would you know if or when you failed? 

And possibilities are infinite- there is no end to the possibilities that could exist. 

Therefore, failure is not possible- there’s no endpoint against which to measure because the possibilities for you/ for your life, are infinite.

the bigger yes

We’re always saying yes to something, even if it’s just scrolling on our phones mindlessly for hours. Whether we’re fully aware of it or not, how we spend our time is what we’ve chosen to say YES to.

But the BIGGER YES is when we live in alignment with what is most important to us. 

Do you want to be mindlessly scrolling, or would you rather be present to life? 

Do you want to be mindlessly scrolling, or would you rather be cultivating meaningful relationships with people, even if just online? 

Do you want to be mindlessly scrolling, or would you rather observe, learn, and get to the heart of what matters?

When you are willing to be PRESENT- you are present to life and all that goes on around you. 

When you are willing to be SUPPORTIVE, TRUTHFUL, or VULNERABLE- you cultivate meaningful relationships with people, even just online. 

And when you are willing to be COMPASSIONATE, OPEN, or RECEPTIVE- you observe, learn, and clearly see what is at the heart of what matters. 

Be willing to, and you will be.