
What are some practical ways you’ve learned to embrace your imperfections?

For me, it’s important to remember that we are all human beings simply doing our best (aka. humaning).

I work on giving as much grace to myself as I do to others.

Just like I give people the benefit of the doubt and try to understand their perspective, I do the same for myself by taking a moment to reflect on why I made certain choices or acted in a certain way.

Remember, understanding doesn’t necessarily mean agreement, but it does help with self-awareness and acceptance.

Another approach to embracing imperfections is to list the three (ONLY 3) things you don’t love most about yourself and explore how each has served you.

Once you understand their value, you can decide whether to keep those aspects or commit to making changes.

If you choose to pursue change, start by defining what you want, and recognize that it’s possible with the right thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Create a well-thought-out plan and diligently implement it, focusing on actions that move you closer to your desired transformation while avoiding those that don’t.

Be prepared to mitigate negative thoughts and feelings that may arise, and be open to feeling uncomfortable along the way.

Take the time to acknowledge your progress, celebrate your achievements, and regularly evaluate your journey.

Remember, embracing imperfections is an ongoing process, so be patient with yourself and repeat these steps as needed.

If you would like support in facing your imperfections, working with a nonjudgmental coach who can provide a safe space for you is truly valuable. At Christine Seager Coaching, I specialize in this kind of transformative work. If you’re interested in receiving support, book a complimentary, no-obligation consultation right here.

As a reminder, Logan Health Whitefish Employees can book a free in person coaching session here, or a remote coaching session here, as part of your benefits package.

one goal

Establish one specific, measurable, and timely goal.

Notice I don’t say achievable because I want you to go big.

Having a goal you think is impossible is okay if you don’t beat yourself up on your way to achieving it.

And if you go bigger than you think is possible, you’re less likely to hold yourself back and more likely to achieve more.

Focus on that one goal.

What are the actions you need to take? Again, be very specific. Write all the steps and as many micro-steps as possible, then make them chronological.

Now you have a clear starting point, and you can get going.

As you begin to act, your brain will offer negative thoughts and feelings.

The next step is to allow these negative feelings.


Notice that they are there. Determine where in your body. Describe them in detail (color, shape, weight, movement, waveform, etc.). Remind yourself that you have thus not died from feeling a negative emotion.

Then decide how you would rather feel about the action you are taking. Reminder: feelings are one-word vibrations in your body.

What thoughts, when you think them, create that feeling for you?

If this is hard, please know that it’s a practice. And let’s find evidence for how you want to feel.

Think of another time you feel the way you want to.

What thoughts create that feeling for you?

Borrow from there and apply those thoughts here.

Practice those thoughts over and over.

Keep taking action and thinking those thoughts.

Evaluate your results.

Correct course when needed.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

When your first goal becomes a habit, when it’s easy to do, start working on your next goal.

If you feel overwhelmed and want to learn how to practice constraint, I can help. I offer complimentary, no-obligation consultation calls here. LHW Employee IN PERSON Coaching Sessions are here, and remote sessions are here.

positive people

Scott is a positive influence who uplifts and supports me. (I definitely could not do this as gracefully without him.) 

SUPping brings me joy & fulfillment. 

Sunshine & warm weather are LIFE!!

And what environment could be any more positive to nurture my well-being & reinforce my belief in my enoughness? 

(I mean, riverside sushi dinner?!? Yes, please!!)

We had the best time. I LOVE taking full advantage of these beautiful days. 

For these reasons, Christine Seager Coaching was closed this afternoon. (Back to regularly scheduled programming tomorrow.) 

P.S. This is the life I’ve created for myself. It wasn’t always like this. It doesn’t happen overnight, but it for sure is doable. And this is possible for you, too. If you would like to create & live a life you love, I would be honored to support you on your journey. Click here to book a complimentary, no-obligation consultation call.

taking time for you… without guilt

You feel guilty anytime you want to take time for yourself, thinking you should be doing something more productive, like mowing the lawns, reading your book, or just sitting on the front porch for a hot minute.

You worry that taking time for yourself means neglecting your responsibilities.

You feel overwhelmed by the constant pressure to keep doing.

You constantly feel as if you’re doing something wrong, even though you’re exhausted.

You’re sometimes fed up & tired of putting work & everyone else’s needs before yours.

But you continue to fill your schedule with tasks & responsibilities, leaving little downtime.

You continue to put work & everyone else’s needs before yours.

And you avoid taking breaks or resting, believing it’s unproductive or wasting time.

But rather than feeling guilty, remember:

Some downtime is essential for your well-being.

It’s OK for you to rest, take a break, go for a walk.

Taking time for yourself lets you recharge, be more productive, and be present for others.

Productivity can be about taking care of yourself and finding balance, too.

You don’t need to feel guilty or think you should be doing something else.

With this added self-compassion, you can:

Decide to block off some downtime in your schedule.

Set boundaries & communicate them to others as needed.

Prioritize yourself & your needs alongside your responsibilities.

And actually enjoy your downtime without guilt & pressure.

You’ll have less guilt, more compassion, greater well-being, and be better able to rest, relax & recharge.

You will be even more productive & effective in your work & responsibilities.

Have a better work-life balance,

And an increased overall satisfaction and fulfillment in life.

If you’d like support to take the time you deserve for yourself without worrying about being productive, prioritize self-care, recharge, and be more present while still fulfilling your responsibilities, this is exactly what I help my clients with.

Click here to book a complimentary, no-obligation consultation call.

LHW Employees can click here to book an in-person coaching call or here to book a remote coaching session as a benefit for working at Logan Health Whitefish. Isn’t that nice?!? 


Do you second-guess your decisions, worried you will make the wrong choices?

You constantly doubt whether you’ve made the right choices.

You fear that any mistakes you make will negatively impact your life or the life of those around you.

You worry about the consequences of your choices & feel paralyzed by the fear of making the wrong decision.

This causes immense anxiety & stress.

You feel overwhelmed, unclear & struggle to make decisions.

You often feel regret or guilty after making decisions, believing you’ve made the wrong choice.

You struggle with analysis paralysis– overanalyzing decisions, spending excessive time weighing pros & cons & seeking reassurance from others.

You seek validation & confirmation from others to ensure you’re making the right choices, often relying heavily on others’ opinions.

Your fear of making the wrong choice leads to hesitation & delay in decision-making, potentially missing out on opportunities.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

You can embrace your uniqueness, honor your strengths & imperfections, & remember that external validation does not determine your worth.

You can create self-acceptance & fulfillment by defining your values, practicing self-compassion, & cultivating gratitude.

Trust in your journey, & see that you are enough just as you are.

This is how you get a handle on your second-guessing & worry about making the wrong decisions.

With this increased confidence, you will have

Greater decision-making abilities.

Less anxiety & stress associated with second-guessing.

An improved ability to trust your intuition & judgment.

Greater resilience & adaptability in handling the outcomes of your decisions.

Embrace personal growth & learn from experiences.

Enhanced self-awareness & understanding of your values & priorities.

You will be more empowered, create self-trust, & focus on the positive outcomes your decisions can bring.

And this is how you create & live a life you love.

Are you tired of second-guessing your decisions & living in fear of making the wrong choices?

I can help you move out of doubt & into empowered decision-making.

Click here to book a consultation call.

Logan Health Whitefish Employees can click here to schedule an in person coaching session or here to book a remote session (more availability).

at the moment of overwhelm

You feel overwhelmed, your brain screaming on the inside, but luckily only for a moment.

First, you stop and take a breath, allowing yourself a moment to ground and regain focus. This simple act of pausing creates space for clarity.

Next, you consider the thought causing your overwhelm: “I have so much to do, and I’m running out of time.”

You question that thought: “Is this true?”

No, it isn’t. While there is a lot to do, you actually have until about 8 PM tonight, which gives you 7 hours. That’s plenty of time.

Then, you look at your surroundings to identify what you can do to have the biggest positive impact in the least amount of time. You also know that clutter adds to your stress.

One task is easy and impactful: you take 5 minutes to pick up your desk.

Allowing yourself a moment to ground and regain focus, you understand that thoughts have a powerful impact on your emotions and actions. By recognizing the specific thought, you can understand how it affects you.

You separate facts from your thoughts, as thoughts can be distorted by anxiety or stress. Facts provide an objective and concrete perspective on the situation.

The key is to focus on what you can do right now. Choose something manageable yet impactful.

With determination, you commit to completing that one small task, knowing that taking action generates momentum and pushes you beyond the grip of overwhelm.

It’s about taking concrete steps to regain control and make progress.

The next time you feel overwhelmed, take that first breath, identify the thought, focus on the facts, choose one small impactful action, and do it.

If you want to conquer overwhelm and achieve your goals, I offer personalized one-on-one coaching sessions. Together, we will challenge limiting beliefs, develop practical strategies, and cultivate a mindset of clarity and resilience. Then, with ongoing support and guidance, you’ll create an action plan for consistent progress. Contact me for a complimentary consultation and take the first step towards reclaiming control over your life.

lead with your heart

Embrace the power of leading with your heart!

When you trust and follow your heart’s guidance, amazing things unfold.

Here’s why leading with your heart is not just important but also a game-changer:

Authenticity: Leading with your heart allows you to be your true self.

It’s about embracing your values, passions, and desires without compromise.

By staying true to yourself, you attract genuine connections and experiences.

Clarity & Alignment: Your heart knows what truly resonates with you.

By tuning in and listening closely, you gain clarity about your path, goals, and aspirations.

This alignment brings focus, motivation, and a sense of purpose.

Empathy & Connection: Leading with your heart opens the door to understanding and empathy.

You create deeper connections and foster meaningful relationships when you approach others with compassion, kindness, and genuine care.

Intuition & Wise Decisions: Your heart holds an innate wisdom that transcends logic.

By tapping into your intuition, you make decisions that feel profoundly right.

Trusting your instincts leads to well-informed choices and personal growth.

Resilience & Fulfillment: Following your heart often means taking risks and embracing vulnerability.

It builds resilience as you navigate challenges with courage and determination.

Ultimately, living in alignment with your heart’s desires brings deep fulfillment and a sense of wholeness.

So, let’s lead with our hearts, embracing authenticity, clarity, empathy, intuition, and resilience along the way. 

Trust that when you honor the wisdom of your heart, the path ahead becomes brighter and more fulfilling.

If leading with your heart interests you, book a complimentary, no-obligation consultation here.


Do you realize how amazing you are?

You are more than enough.

You are active, beautiful, and intelligent enough.

Your contributions are valuable and matter.

You do more than enough.

Don’t believe the negative thoughts in your head.

Reject those lies and find evidence that proves the opposite.

Feeling like you’re not pretty enough?

Find one thing, even a small detail, that you find pretty about yourself and focus on that.

Remind yourself, “I have beautiful eyes” or “My legs are amazing, just like my grandfather said.”

Feeling like you’re not fun enough?

Think about the last fun thing you did.

Or think of something fun you can do right now.

If your brain says, “I don’t know,” don’t accept that excuse.

Challenge yourself to come up with something fun and actually do it.

Afterward, remind yourself that you can have fun.

Feeling like you’re not smart enough?

Who determines what “smart enough” is?

How can you prove to yourself that you are smart?

And when will you know that you’ve reached that point?

The fact that you’re reading this post shows you’re making smart choices.

See? You are smart. LOL.

You are the person who spends the most time with yourself.

So, embrace your worthiness and stop self-sabotaging.

Recognize the goodness within yourself.

When you genuinely like yourself, life becomes easier.

Seeking validation from others is draining and depletes your spirit.

Find what you seek within yourself.

Prove to your brain that the opposite is true by finding evidence.

With this mindset, you can create the future of your dreams.

You are enough right now, and everything else is just a bonus.

P.S. I share this because I have gone through this transformative process myself. It is possible. Coaching has had a profound impact on my life, and it can do the same for you. I am passionate about coaching and believe everyone should experience it. Your life will become easier, happier, better, and more liberated if you do.

If you want to talk about coaching for yourself, click here to book a complimentary, no-obligation consultation.

Logan Health Whitefish employees! We have some important information to share with you. As part of your benefits package, coaching services are provided to you free of charge. This is a valuable opportunity that you can take advantage of by booking your coaching session today. Simply click here to get started.

brains think

You are a human being with an organ called a brain that thinks.

Just like you have another organ called a heart that beats.

And a stomach that digests.

It’s your brain’s job to think,

just as it’s your heart’s job to beat

And your stomach’s job is to digest.

And as the human being encompassing all of the organs (not just one organ), you get to decide whether those thoughts serve you (or not).

So, just check in and ask yourself: does this thought serve me? or not?

If your answer is “not,” then what is another thought you’d rather think,

And how might that thought be true?

Our brains like evidence, so just find the proof!

do what you say you will do

Imagine the power of doing what you say you will do.

If you commit to getting up earlier and going to the gym, you actually do it. No excuses.

When you say you’ll stick to your schedule, you follow through. No exceptions.

For instance, if you plan to update your policies and procedures on Tuesday at 1 PM, you sit down and get it done. No delays.

If you set a time to leave for a dinner date at 6:30 PM, you’re ready and out the door at exactly that time. No running late.

By honoring your commitments, you eliminate drama, self-arguments, and worrying about unfinished tasks. You know precisely when things will get done because you do what you say you will do.

How can you make this a reality?

Assess the time needed for your daily tasks.
Create a plan based on accurate time assessments.
Stick to the plan (implement).
Evaluate its effectiveness and make adjustments as needed.

This approach brings ease, peace, focus, confidence, and responsibility to your life. Just imagine being the person who’s reliable, punctual, and composed.

You have the ability to achieve this. Start by deciding to be someone who follows through on their commitments and then act accordingly. You can begin as a learner and practice until it becomes a natural habit.

If you desire support in becoming a person who keeps their word and experiencing a more fulfilling and joyful life, I’m here to help. Take the first step by booking a complimentary, no-obligation consultation here.

(Please note: Coaching is available free of charge for Logan Health Whitefish employees! It’s an amazing benefit! Click here to schedule your session.)