you can do it

What would it be like to trust yourself to create the results you want in life?

Take a minute to really imagine what is possible for you.

If you want to 

Lose weight? 

Be physically fit? 

Make more money? 

Start a new business?

Improve a relationship? 

What would it take for you to know you can create these results?

It will take time. 

Yes, it will be hard sometimes. 

And it will for sure be uncomfortable,

But what if you know you can do it? 

Because you can. 

You can absolutely do anything you set your mind to. 

You can trust yourself. 

You are resourceful.

You can figure it out. 

You can do the work. 

Just imagine what it will be like when you’re on the other side. 

You will look back and think, “I did that; I created this.”

You might think these results are only possible for other people. 

That there is some ‘X-factor’ you’re missing, 

That they were ‘born that way,’ but you weren’t. 

Or that there’s something wrong with you– somehow, they seem to be able to pull it off, but you can’t.

This is simply not true. 

Here’s how to do it: 

Decide what you want. 

Believe that it’s possible. 

Determine how (what to do & what not to do). 

Commit to taking action consistently. 

Mitigate negative thoughts and feelings when they come up. 

Celebrate and evaluate. 

Trust yourself and the process.

Think back to another time you created a result in your life. 

How did you get there? 

Identify how you’ve already worked this process for each step listed above.

Borrow from that experience and apply this same process to the result you want to create now.

For example, I wanted to become a nurse. 

I decided that’s what I wanted to do. 

I believed that if I got a college degree and passed the NCLEX, I would become a registered nurse. 

The “how” for becoming a nurse is pretty well prescribed: I went to school, studied, and learned things. I took exams, got passing grades, worked my way to my degree, took & passed the NCLEX exam, and became a nurse. 

I also didn’t give up & kept going through school, even when it was hard & I wasn’t sure if I could do it. 

I celebrated when I passed classes. I evaluated what I was doing, learning how to study better. 

I trusted that if I kept going, I would make it, and I trusted that this was the process for me to become a nurse.

Other results have less prescribed routes, for example, weight loss. 

Let’s say you want to lose 15 pounds. 

Believe that it’s possible– you can lose 15 pounds. 

Determine how: what you will and will not do. Perhaps you will quit sugar, commit to eating better (determine what ‘better’ means for you, i.e., no processed food), or follow a specific diet (paleo or the Mediterranean diet). Be specific about what actions you will and will not take. 

Commit to taking that action– follow that plan, but know that you’re human and you will make mistakes. Don’t beat yourself up, don’t give up– just get right back on track. 

Deal with your negative emotions when they arise– be willing to feel uncomfortable, deprived, bored, etc., and keep going. 

Celebrate the progress you’re making– find evidence that the process is working, even if the numbers on the scale haven’t moved yet. 

Evaluate your actions– learn what you might like to do differently. 

Trust yourself. Trust the process; keep going until you achieve your desired result. 

P.S. If you’re interested in learning how to create Results Galore in 2024, join me for this free workshop on Thursday, December 28, 2023, at 2 PM MT (4 PM ET/ 1 PM PT) via Zoom. Registration is required, and you can do so here.