Have you ever been upset about something-maybe you’re arguing with someone in your kitchen, and then your phone rings? You say hello to answer it.
How do you answer your phone? Do you say a friendly “Hello?” or do you continue being angry at the person on the phone, yelling at them now?
You probably say a friendly “Hello.”
When you answer the phone, you change your mood like a light switch; you are now friendly and not upset- even if for just a moment.
Now, that change in mood might not last, but (get ready… it’s my favorite line…)
Yes, every moment, you get to choose how you want to be. You DO have the ability to change your mood like a light switch.
You can be friendly now…
and now…
and even now…
Even if three moments ago you were upset with someone or about something.
[While this concept is universal, it was taught to me by BethAnn Scuggs, Dean of Students The Academy for Coaching Excellence. I love it for its simplicity.]