Do you want a work-life balance like this?
I’ve supported Scott to do it for himself.
I’ve done it for myself.
I’ve supported my clients do it.
And I can support you do it, too.
What does it take?
Some courage.
Some grace for yourself.
Some support.
Some willingness to a risk.
If you want a better work-life balance, I will be your support.
I will point out your courage.
I will teach you how to have grace for yourself.
I will hold space & be a support for you.
I will show you that it’s possible.
I will remind you of your progress so you can see that it’s working- even when you can’t see it for yourself.
From one of my clients, “I love how effective she is at examining the ways I’m holding myself back and telling myself untruths, so I can let go of those restraints and move forward.”
Stop holding yourself back,
telling yourself untruths,
let go of those restraints and move forward.
Message me for support.
The end.