Hey, the holidays are fast among us; Thanksgiving is this week.
While it’s supposed to be a time of togetherness, joy, & love, this time of year often brings stress, pressure, and upset.
Sometimes words are exchanged, and those words might sting, but they don’t have to.
You get to choose what you make everything mean.
Words are just words. [I know- say what?] But, think about that for a minute. Words really are just words. You get to decide what you make those words mean.
If someone says something and you get offended, it’s because you worry that there is truth in it.
For example, if someone said, “You’re a blonde” (but you are actually a brunette), you would laugh at the ridiculousness of it. Because those words hold zero water, they wouldn’t bother you at all; you would think- this is simply ridiculous.
What if someone said, “You’re stupid.” Hmmm… these words *might* hold water. You’re questioning- am I stupid? Why do they think I’m stupid? What did I say or do to make them think I’m stupid?
But, if you believe that you are not stupid, just as strongly as you believe you are not blonde, then these words would hold zero water and wouldn’t bother you at all. You would think- this is simply ridiculous.
What if you didn’t believe it was true?
What if you found evidence to show yourself (NOT as arguing points to your counterpart) that it is not true?
What if you simply recognized that words are just words?
And, that person can think whatever they want to think about you, just as you get to think whatever you want to think about you, too?