when things change

Let’s talk about change.

Sometimes, there’s a lot of change going on around you, and it can be scary & unnerving.

Sometimes, there’s so much change you’re just exhausted of it.

Fed up.

You want it to stop.

You want to get off the merry-go-round.

Where is the emergency shut-off button?

It makes sense, right?

Your brain wants to

~ seek immediate pleasure

~ avoid immediate pain

~ conserve energy

So, of course, change is hard.

Change can put us into fight, flight, or fear mode.

And when we’re in those survival modes for long periods, we get exhausted.

Which is unfortunate because

~ change is inevitable

~ change will keep happening

~ change is a normal part of life

~ some changes you can control

~ some changes you can’t control, no matter how hard you try

But the good news is that you still have power.

You can decide how you want to HANDLE change.

You can do this by simply asking yourself:

How do I WANT to handle this change?

And be realistic, right, because your brain will say-

“Well, we don’t want this to change in the first place, so now what?”


“I don’t want change, I don’t want any part of that, I don’t want it to be different.”

So, gently remind yourself-

This is changing. Change is inevitable.

How do I WANT to handle this change?

Consider: what is the best-case scenario for handling this change?

Then do that.

That’s it.

How could we? Then do it.

It really is that simple,

Especially when you remove all the internal discussion/ dialogue/ arguing.

This is happening.


Now what?

You get to decide.

It’s so empowering.

And I want to offer that if you struggle with change, I can help you.

I’ll help you see why you struggle.

I’ll help you not struggle so much.

I’ll help you make empowered decisions about how you want to handle change & anything else that’s going on around you.

So you can love the life you live.