When I came across Jenna’s post in February of 2019 (see previous post), I was six months into voluntary unemployment. My husband loving refers to it as my mid-life crisis. I prefer my version- I was figuring out what I wanted to be when I grew up. I had a strong nagging feeling that there was something different, better, more for me to do with my life. I ignored this feeling for ~ 2 years; I kept trying to work with it. Instead, it was like I was playing a game of Tetris- trying to make all the pieces of my life fit together just so, but I kept running out of space and losing the game.
In the summer of 2018, I did the math a zillion times over & decided that yes, we could afford for me to not work for a while. Little did I know that upon quitting, I would lose myself even more. I lost my identity as a nurse and a manager, lost friends that I would see daily at work, and I fell further into unhappiness because, after all, I SHOULD be happy by now- I was doing exactly what I wanted, wasn’t I?
To be continued…