what is life coaching with ME?

We’ll walk side-by-side; I picture us on a beach. 

I’ll stop once in a while and look directly into your eyes, seemingly into your heart, into your soul, and I will tell you truthfully what I see- the courage, the bravery, the wonderfulness that is you- so that you can see it too. 

I’ll show you what is possible for your life, we’ll revel in this gloriousness, and then we’ll talk about how, exactly, you will make this will happen for you. 

I’ll give you tough love when you need it, but only because I genuinely love and care about you. I will hold you in this space, even when you are not there for yourself, actually, especially when you are not there for yourself. 

I’ll teach you about your brain and how it can be a jerk sometimes, but also how that’s OK because it’s just doing its job and cares about you, too. 

I’ll help you see what you’ve accomplished, and we’ll celebrate. 

We’ll look at your next steps, get super clear about what they are, and celebrate that, too. 

And then one day, you’ll look back and think, “Wow, look at where I am now. I did that. I feel good, and I did that, too. Remember how I used to be? Look at me now.” 

And you will see that you’re living a life you love, built for you, by you, and it is good. 

If you want some of that for you, REACH OUT!! It really is that easy.