how to do that to-do list

My clients often hear me say: mindset + action = results. 

Sometimes MINDSET means being willing to do hard things, 

being willing to do what that we which don’t necessarily want to do, 

and being willing to be uncomfortable, 

all for the results we want. 

Regarding what ACTIONS to take, it’s probably easy enough to write your to-do list, but David Allan (Getting Things Done) suggests writing a list of “next actions” instead. For example, suppose I have to change my car’s tires. In that case, there are several steps: decide where I would like to go, call to make an appointment, get the tires out of storage and into my car, determine what I will do while the tires are getting changed (I.E., will I need a ride?), and block out my work schedule so no one else can book time. Each of these is a separate “next action.” 

  1. Brain dump everything that needs to get done or rewrite your current to-do list in “next action” format, breaking it down into each small next step. 
  2. Determine how long each thing will take- give it your best guess and add a bit more time, always rounding up. Write the time next to each “next action.”
  3. Schedule it on your calendar. 
  4. Throw away the list.  
  5. Stick to the schedule. Stick to the schedule. Stick to the schedule. 

Be willing to: be uncomfortable, consistently show up for yourself, and do the hard things, and before you know it, your neverending to-do list will be a thing of the past.