swimsuits & schedules

Summer is right around the corner, which means… swimsuit season. 

The thought of being in a swimsuit right now sounds dreadful! 

You know you had 15 pounds to lose last summer & now you’ve added winter weight. 

Doing the math, you realize you have ~ 8 weeks & you wonder how fast you can drop these 20 pounds. 

Last summer, you turned down all of the boating invites, feeling embarrassed to be seen in public, and you don’t want to do that again. 

Boating is one of your favorite things to do. 

This year, you’re determined to be comfortable enough to say yes. 

To feel confident in your body while rocking that bathing suit. 

Maybe even feeling sexy while lounging at the beach or on a boat. 

Well, you have a few choices. 

One is to accept how you look now by changing those negative thoughts & feelings into more positive ones. 

Your body could stay exactly how it is right now & you can feel confident rocking that bathing suit. 

Or you can make a physical change through diet or regular exercise. 

But you have no idea how to do it. 

You don’t even know where to start. 

You’ve seen others do it, so you know it’s possible, but you wonder what you’re missing. 

How do they do it? 
Make a plan.
Stick to it. 
Deal with the discomfort if/when it comes up. 
Celebrate & evaluate 
Wash, rinse, repeat 

Here’s what they don’t do. 

Beat themselves up. 


They simply return to the plan (acceptance, diet, or exercise). 

They keep trying. 

They are willing to feel uncomfortable. 

They deal with it when they do. 

They fall, and they get back up. 

They evaluate, adjust & keep going. 

It really is that simple. 

If you’d like help to be swimsuit ready either through acceptance or with physical change, I can help. We’ll specifically cover being willing to be uncomfortable & dealing with discomfort when it comes up. 

You can book a consult here or a LHW Employee Coaching Session here.