spring break jealousy

Ahhh, spring break.

As you’re scrolling Instagram, it seems everyone you know is headed to Hawaii.

Before you know it, you’re moping around the house, still in your slippers at 2 PM on Saturday, talking smack about those people on vacation, justifying how the weather probably isn’t that great there right now anyway– isn’t it the rainy season?

You snap at your husband & kids, & they wonder what got into you.

Jealousy. That’s what.

When you catch yourself silently seething & wishing others slight ill-will, you suddenly feel additionally ashamed as you realize that’s no way to treat your friends.

Of- course, you don’t REALLY want them to get rained on.

You’re just upset because you wanted to go on spring break, too, but you felt like you couldn’t.

After all, there are other more important things to spend money on; the car needs new breaks, and there is college to save for.

Plus, you’re really busy at work this week.

And you feel guilty about leaving the pets.

And also, you’re worried about leaving the house– what if something happens while you’re gone?

But then you’re still sad because you want to go on vacation too.

You could let this jealousy ruin your whole day (maybe your week?), OR

You could just decide not to feel jealous.

And to feel better instead.

You would be a better friend, wife & mom.

You would get creative & think of other things you could do for a mini spring break (like a nice pedicure & a fancy dinner— less time & money).

You get to decide what you focus on. Do you want to be jealous or happy?

If you would like help to be more happy & less jealous, this is one of the things I help my clients with. Use the link in my bio to book a consult & get started. Or join me for April’s CSC Masterclass Evaluating Your Results on Monday, April 17, 2023, at 11 AM MT (1 PM ET).

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