
You wish things were different than how they are. 

You wish your spouse would offer to take the kids to sports on Saturday morning after you’ve been with them all week. 

You wish your kids would pick up their socks off the couch (they’re multiplying like bunnies; there are now five socks). 

You wish there weren’t so many changes at work. 

You wish Sally would stop complaining about Jane & just do her work. 

You wish you didn’t have to deal with personnel’s personal issues. 

If everyone would just do what they are supposed to do, things would be so much better! 

There’s good news & bad news here. 

The bad news is they have free will and can do whatever they want. 

The good news is you have free will and can do whatever you want, too… 

The first step is to be aware that you’re “shoulding” all over the other people. 

When you wish things were different from how they are, you’re arguing with reality. 

The socks are already there, Sally continues complaining, and your husband hasn’t offered to take the kids. 

Just because this is what’s happening doesn’t mean YOU can’t be any different. 

You can have peace despite the complaining. 

You can feel respected despite the socks on the couch. 

You can be happy even though your husband is not offering to take the kids. 

Cool, right? 

You don’t know how to do this yet. 

But it’s pretty simple and doable. 

I’ll show you exactly how in the Shoulding Masterclass. 

When: Tuesday, September 26 at 11 AM MT 

How: via Zoom. Register here. Tell your friends. 

You can have more peace, be happier, and be more content, and I can’t wait to show you how.