scheduling your time

In the last post, we talked about how to prioritize your time. 

What about when things “pop up”?

Suddenly you have cookies to make, gifts to purchase, and things to wrap.

There is way too much to do not and enough time.

“How did I do this again?”

“I can’t ever get a handle on my time.”

“I will never get this figured out.”

Let’s talk about how to schedule your time.

Look ahead for 20-30 minutes at the beginning of the week.

See what events are coming up.
And what are your next steps to prepare for them?

Let’s use baking cookies as an example.

This actively has several steps.

Find a recipe.

Check your pantry for ingredients.

Check any gear you might need- cookie press, tin foil, parchment paper, cookie sheets, etc.

Write a list of ingredients to purchase.

Go to the store and get the ingredients. 

Mix the cookies.

Bake the cookies.

Clean up.

Each of these steps requires action. 

You do one, then the next, and the next. 

So schedule each of these steps. 

When are you going to look for a recipe? 

When will you go food shopping?

  1. Get clear about what needs to be done and when by looking ahead. 
  2. Create your schedule.
  3. Stick to it.

Decide and commit so that you can actually enjoy spending time with your family at holiday times.

If you feel like you can’t catch up or stay caught up
If you are tired of feeling like a constant failure
If this sounds easy and you know this already, but you aren’t actually doing it

Reach out.

I can help you. 

Together we’ll create a schedule that works for you. 
That will be easy to stick to. 
You will get a handle on your time 
And your life for the rest of your life. 

The first step is to book a free consult:

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