how to feel safe & secure… while doing hard things

I met a dear friend for coffee today & one thing I heard her say that rings true for so many of my clients & me is- wanting to feel safe & secure. 

So many of us hold ourselves back for just this reason. We love guarantees & clear directions, & worry about causing suffering for others. 

It’s so normal to feel this way- it’s simply our negativity bias trying to keep us alive. 

The power is in knowing this… then uncovering your fears, mitigating them, seeing that it IS possible, being willing to be uncomfortable & take action anyway. 

My friend believes that the more we do hard things, the more empowered we are to do (more) hard things. 

A few years ago, I wanted to take a road trip alone.
But I didn’t think it was possible. 
I couldn’t leave work for that long. 
I wasn’t sure my car was reliable. 
It was maybe dangerous.
It generally felt irresponsible & not possible. 
It certainly did not feel safe & secure. 

But I really wanted to go, so I broke it down. 

How could I mitigate my fears if I did take this trip? 

I could talk to my boss about what working remotely for three weeks would look like & see if it would be possible.
I could get my car tuned up & do my best to dial it in.
I could bring my dog with me for protection. 

The more I addressed each piece, getting specific & mitigating my fears, the more I saw this trip was, indeed, possible & exactly how I could do it while also feeling safe & secure!

Finally, it was time to leave- the car was packed & I was on my way, literally backing out of the garage. I suddenly did not feel so safe & secure; I was terrified. But I was willing to feel uncomfortable & take action anyway, so I kept driving, barely able to see through my tears. 

Sure enough, the trip was a blast. I felt amazing & surely was empowered to do more hard things that now don’t seem so hard. 

And you can do so, too:
Uncover your fears.
Mitigate them.
See that it IS possible. 
Be willing to be uncomfortable & take action anyway.

If you are a Logan Health Whitefish Employee & would like to schedule a one-on-one coaching session, CLICK HERE to book a LHW Employee Coaching Session.

If you are not sure that coaching is for you, CLICK HERE to book a FREE Discovery Call, where you will discuss what coaching is and isn’t, determine what you would love to get out of your time together, and if &/or how Christine might provide support.

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