
Guess what? Your car is looking absolutely stunning with that fresh, detailed shine!

But let’s pause for a moment and explore why it ended up so sparkling clean.

Believe it or not, it all started with a touch of procrastination.

Here’s the story: You had a morning meeting followed by a five-hour gap before your next appointment.

Thinking you’d make good use of the time, you decided to head to the coffee shop to get organized before diving into your day.

After leaving the coffee shop, you had the idea to do some shopping. However, on your way, you realized your car was quite dirty and needed a wash.

You thought it would be convenient to stop at the car wash, but to your dismay, a long line of cars had formed ahead of you, causing a significant delay.

Feeling a bit frustrated, you abandoned the idea of the car wash and headed home. However, upon arriving, you noticed how dirty the garage floor was, prompting you to grab the broom and sweep it clean before even thinking about washing the car.

Finally, the moment arrived when you could wash the car. You diligently washed, dried, vacuumed, cleaned the windows, and even applied a protectant to the dashboard – going above and beyond the call of car washing duties.

But wait, what were you supposed to be working on again? Ah yes, the speech.

Reflect for a moment on how long it took for you to recognize that you were unintentionally procrastinating.

Now, ask yourself: What emotion were you avoiding by not working on your speech as planned?

Perhaps you felt confused, unsure about the next steps to take. But what if you allowed yourself to feel confused and still took action?

Consider this: If you weren’t confused, what would be the first step to tackle in your speech preparation?

Maybe it’s as simple as taking it out, reading through it, and determining if it’s complete or if something is missing.

The next time you catch yourself avoiding or procrastinating on a task, take a moment to ask yourself: What is the emotion I’m avoiding by not doing this particular thing?

Identify the emotion that arises and then decide how you want to proceed from there.

If you would like support in recognizing your procrastination patterns, understanding what you’re avoiding, and learning effective strategies to work through it, this is precisely what I help my clients with. If you’re interested in learning more, I’d be thrilled to chat; book a complimentary call using this link in my bio.

Together, we can overcome procrastination and create a path toward productivity and success.

(PS. Don’t forget coaching is always free if you are a Logan Health Whitefish employee! What a fantastic benefit!! Click here to book a session.)