[Continued from the previous post about 2022- click here to read.]
While I realize that having one big hairy audacious goal (or BHAG), three phrases of the year & three reminders might seem like a lot for some people, I have allllll of 2022 to live into these. I’ll put decorative stickies on my computer, I already have them in my notes (on my phone), and they will soon be on my bathroom mirror- as daily reminders.
Why “phrases” of the year? I do phrases because single words often aren’t adequate for what I want to portray, but the concept is the same. I roll various phrases around my head for a bit, thinking about where I’ve been and what I want for myself in the coming year. The ones I like most stick around, and then I commit to them.
INSPIRED ACTION: I’ve found that I have ideas but don’t always put them into action &/ or, I have the same few “to-dos” on my list for a long time. (Hello email list, I’m talking to you.) Since I know I can coach my clients on anything, and I am learning how to coach myself- there is simply no need for this. I want to clear more brain space for ease, grace, and more clarity. So, in 2022, I will do my daily work to inspire myself into action enjoying the work and not just slogging through it.
CEO: I’m embracing my role as CEO of Christine Seager Coaching. Being a solopreneur means learning to be both employee and boss simultaneously; I have to hold myself (as an employee) accountable to myself (as the boss). Let me tell you something- going from a nurse who uses critical thinking skills, but also follows orders to a solopreneur who does it alone- is a trip. It’s easy to say- “I’ll do that later,” or “I’m not sure how,” or “I don’t know what to do next.” Guess where that gets you? Nowhere and definitely not any closer to my BHAG.
As CEO, I will have a structured plan, know what I’m working on at any moment, and have clear next steps. I am mindful of my time, ensuring I’m using it proficiently and stepping towards my BHAG.
A YEAR OF HEALTH: I’m hesitant to share this here for a few reasons. 1. because it’s such a cliché thing to say at the start of a new year. 2. because I’ve made similar promises in the past and as soon as I announce it, I fall off the wagon. But this time it’s different because I’m committed to it.
A year of health means making wise decisions about what I put into my mouth (I.E., less sugar, and more water), moving my body, and stretching. (I’ll be honest, I don’t yet have a clear plan for stretching, but I will by the end of this week.) I’m evaluating the action I’m taking and correcting course with the goal of life-long health & well-being. (Stay tuned to hear about the exact steps I’m taking for this.)
Again, I have an entire year to work all of this out. I don’t expect to be rocking my CEO role or to be the epitome of physical fitness and health this week or even this month, but I do hope to be further along by the end of 2022.