
What would it be like if the opposite was true?

Do you hate your job?
You feel angry, frustrated, stressed, and spend a lot of time talking about how much you hate it. You complain to your husband, best friend, and hairdresser, and you spend time trying to figure out what else you could do and how else you could make money.

But what if you decided to love it?

How COULD you love it?

Right now, with nothing outside of you changing.

Find just one thing that you like about it.

Every time your brain reminds you of how much you hate your job, remind your brain of this one reason why you like it.

Do you dislike your boss?

You don’t like how they run the office. You think you can do a better job. And you’re constantly just irritated by them. Your blood boils every time they give you another assignment, and you avoid asking for clarification because you don’t want to talk to them for another minute.

But what if you DID like them?

Even if just a little bit.

Start small.

What’s one tiny thing you appreciate about them?

It could sound like, “Well, at least they __,” finish the sentence.

Do you not like where you live?

(I admit, I grapple with this sometimes. I know I live in the “wrong” place, but thus far, I’ve chosen to stay here.)

The winters are so long and so cold and oh so gray. They seem to last forever, and you’ve forgotten what sunshine is (LOL). You spend time moping around. You tell yourself every day how much you hate it. You send pictures of people on beach cruiser bikes to your husband because you see that some people get to live in warmer climates. (No, just me?)

But what if you loved it where you live?

How COULD you love it?

What can you do to love where you live more?

There are, of course, always choices in life. 

You can choose to stay where you are (in your job, with your boss, or where you live) and remain miserable.

You can choose to leave.

Or you can choose to change how YOU feel about it.

By finding better-feeling thoughts.

And thinking those thoughts over & over again.

When your brain tries to remind you how much you don’t like what’s happening, you correct it & remind it of how you actually do.

If you would like 1:1 support to do this work, book a complimentary, no-obligation consult here.