You want to be a good mom, but you come home from work exhausted. Nevertheless, you are willing to be a loving family member by telling your daughter how much you love her when she’s brushing her teeth before bed (bedtime is usually a trying time for you both).
You want your staff to feel well supported, but you don’t have any information or answers to share, either. Nevertheless, you are willing to be a contributor to your community by speaking to everyone personally, for more interaction, building support & community.
You want more time to do what you love to do (create art), but you’re too tired after work to get started. Nevertheless, you are willing to be a creator of beauty, so this Saturday, you put an old table in the corner of the spare bedroom where you can leave your art supplies out, ready to go.
You want more energy to go to the gym and work out. Nevertheless, you are willing to be physically fit and healthy by setting yourself up for success. You have your gym clothes in the car, your kids know you’ll be busy & unavailable for an hour, and you will go straight to the gym after work, bypassing any opportunity to get “sucked into the couch,” starting tomorrow.
You want to be empathetic towards your patients, but quite frankly, you struggle when your ethics are so different from theirs. Nevertheless, you are willing to be a contributor to your community by giving them the best care that you can- after all, they, too, deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.
You want to take time off but feel guilty leaving your co-workers and peers. Nevertheless, you are willing to be a visionary leader by having a clarifying conversation with your boss by Friday’s end of the day, discussing what a successful leave could be.
You miss your family when you’re traveling; it’s not possible to be in two places at once. Nevertheless, you are willing to be a loving family member by sending treats to let them know you are thinking of them from afar.
P.S. Don’t for one second think I don’t coach myself on this stuff, too. I do. Most of what you’ve got, I’ve had, too. The only difference between you and me is I have two years of BEING COACHED under my belt. And I spent these past two and a half years learning about myself and how my mind works. So if I can do it, you can do it, too.