I often hear from my clients that they want something…
To feel confident, for example.
To make more money.
To be a better manager.
I usually respond with- Great! What might that look like to you?
They go blank.
They don’t know.
Sometimes, they’ve never really thought about that specifically before.
Of- course, it isn’t easy to OBTAIN something when you don’t know what IT is!
The first step to reaching any goal is naming it, then being very specific, visualizing what, exactly, that would look like for you.
What does “confidence” mean to you?
What might that look like to you- in your life?
How might you be willing to demonstrate ‘confident’ in your life?
How much money would you like to make?
How many more hours could you work or how many more products would you have to sell?
How could you do that? What are your options?
Same with being a better manager… what does that look like to you?
Specifically, for your job?
What are some ways you could demonstrate being a better manager right now?
Go do that!