live the life you want

Are you living the life you want to live

Or do you feel both overwhelmed & kind of bored too?

You do the same thing- day in & day out: kids’ school, your work, kids’ after-school stuff, dinner & bed.

You’re happy if you have time to clean up, much less have an adult conversation or read a book, before you collapse at the end of your day.

The weekends *should* be a relief, but they are a mad dash to get everything done- more sports, hopefully, some quality family time, 

but still probably not enough time to prep for the week ahead.

Before you know it, it’s Monday again.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

If the weekend didn’t go as planned,

Or you stayed up too late & overslept Monday morning

It derails your whole week. 

You run around all day Monday trying to catch up, which bleeds into Tuesday & Tuesday into Wednesday, & so on until it’s Friday again. 

Thank goodness it’s the weekend; you can try again– even though it will be more of the same. 

And you’re exhausted & so frustrated again. 

But what if…

Monday’s chaos stays in Monday & doesn’t bleed into Tuesday?

What if Monday’s chaos isn’t really chaos, it’s just LIFE for a minute– 

The life of a busy working mom with a family & some littles? 

What if you could just stop for a second 

Think you’ve got this, 

And actually, have it? 

Do you know HOW to do this? 

It’s simple. 

You think, “I’ve got this; we’re fine.” 

And you know that you’ve got this, 

And that you are fine. 

The longer you spin out in overwhelm and being behind and “oh no, now what,” the more time, energy & effort you spend in the place you don’t want to be.

All you have to do is reassure your brain that you’ve got this. 

And know that you DO. 

If you are a busy mama who wants a life with less rushing, overwhelm, and chaos, and more calmness, self-assuredness, and chill, I can help. 

You will have more time to enjoy your life, rather than just run around. 

You will have a handle on your schedule instead of running from fire to fire. 

You will appreciate this phase of your kids’ lives, & this time in your own life.

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