little tweaks in your daily life

When you sit down to do something, do you complete one task before starting something else? 

Do you fold clothes while writing a to-do list, putting away groceries, eating lunch, and prepping a soup for the Instant Pot? 

What about while you’re at your desk “working”? Do you listen to podcasts, respond to emails and DMs, plan your day, and work on a project simultaneously, leaving each task only partially completed? 

Does it feel like you are all over the place, like a 2-year-old? 

The way to build mental resilience is to train your brain. Select one task to focus on and just decide to stay with it until it’s complete before moving on.  

When your brain offers other things to do, tell it- I hear you, but no thanks. I’m here now, and I’ll tend to that other task after this task is done. 

It’s little tweaks like this, in your daily live, that will help you train your brain where you want it to focus, leading to a more resilient and joyful life.