I started a new journal, went back to writing Morning Page (a 3-page brain dump), & practiced a new journalling routine that sets me up with an authentic action for the day. (More on this at a later date.)
Tara, Max & I went for a 3- mile run. The weather has been cool & crisp, but while we were running, the sun came out, and it was hot as blazes for about half the time.
When we got home, I had a phone call about a great potential opportunity.
I cleaned up & went to a networking event in Lakeside. I chatted with a few acquaintances, made a new acquaintance, learned about running in the Flathead in the winter, and WON a $50 gift card & a beautiful bouquet of lilac flowers! They smell amazing.
Here’s the crazy thing: I knew I was going to win. I had the thought, “They are going to call my name.” I just heard it in my head, & sure enough, the gentleman said, “Christine Seager!”
The Universe, God, Intuition, Knowing, whatever you call it; it’s there.
On my way home, I drove by the first house that Scott & I rented together. I took a moment to reflect on the day; I felt so good! I’m grateful for the growth that we’ve had. I’m happy that my Inner Knowing reared its head to remind me that it’s there watching out for me; it’s willing to guide me IF I choose to listen to it. And I’m excited about the future I’m creating for us.
I took a minute to breathe into & feel this, to kind of mentally bottle it up.
Do you have some sort of inner knowing?
Do you pay attention to it or push it away?
Do you choose to listen to and heed it, or do you try to ignore it? (Notice I said TRY to ignore it- have you ever tried NOT to do something and the thought just keeps popping up again and again? or you see a million signs, & you keep blowing them off?)
I have a few decisions to make that feel heavy & important.
In reality, they are neither that heavy, as nothing is permanent, nor even that important, as I can always make other decisions, correcting course. As I make these decisions, I will be paying attention & choosing to listen to the guidance of my Inner Knowing.
If you have questions, please reach out; I would LOVE to help.