instruction manual

I can’t stand being told what to do,

And sometimes this can be a problem.

Especially when I’m not sure what to do,

Or how to get started.

I often find myself wishing for an instruction manual.

But over time, I’ve learned–

I can create my own instruction manual for anything I choose to do.

It’s so simple:

How do I think someone would __?

~ save money for vacation
~ request time off
~ make more money
~ build & grow a business
~ create beautiful holiday traditions
~ stop people-pleasing others
~ create & hold boundaries
~ take action despite fear & worry
~ better manage their time
~ take action despite fear & worry

We think we don’t know, but try it yourself.

Take out a fresh piece of paper & write a list.

Step 1. __
Step 2. __
Step 3. __

We think we need to know the exact X steps to achieve Y results, but we forget that trial & error is part of the process.

And sometimes, we will take one step forward & two steps back, but this, too, is part of the process.

And lastly, achieving results is not a linear process; there are ups & downs.

Write out your own instruction manual for whatever results you want to create in life.

Remember to include the positive thoughts you will need to think and both the positive & negative feelings you need to be willing to feel.

Start by implementing Step 1, then Step 2.

Evaluate and adjust the course as often as needed.

This is how you get things done without being told what to do, tap into your own inner knowing, build self-trust, and create the results you want.

If establishing your own clear process of creating results is a skill you would like to cultivate, this is one of the things I teach my clients; I can help you, too. You can book a complimentary, no-obligation consultation here.

As a reminder, Logan Health Whitefish employees get free coaching sessions. You can book an in-person coaching session here or a remote/Zoom coaching session here.