
Did you know you could decide to stop talking negatively to yourself?

What would it be like to have grace for yourself instead of that constant and incessant negative chatter?

When you think negative thoughts, you create negative feelings & then beat yourself up.

Instead, how would you rather feel?

Even if you could get to a place of having some grace for yourself, it’s better than being so harsh.

What would you have to think to create a feeling of GRACE?

“I did the best I could.”
“That was an expensive lesson; let’s try not to do that again.”
“Even though I’m scared & I don’t know how it’s going to work out, I know I’m doing the right thing.”

Sometimes, I have to get really strict with my brain to shut down the negative chatter.

It keeps trying to go back there.

And I have to keep saying, “No, thank you.”

When I think about the woman I want to become, my future self doesn’t waste time or brain space beating herself up. She has better things to do with time & smarts.

Right? Think about that for a second.
Beating yourself has zero benefit; it puts you at a disadvantage, so why would you want to spend time there?

Just don’t.
If you made a mistake, learn from it.
Find another thought that creates a feeling of grace.
And move on.

If this resonates with you & you’d like to learn how not to beat yourself up, I can help you. Book a complimentary, no-obligation consultation here.

Reminder: as part of the benefits offered at Logan Health Whitefish employees get free coaching sessions. You can book an in-person coaching session here or a remote/Zoom coaching session here