
One thing I often see people struggle with is consistency (or lack thereof).

You create a plan, but either don’t stick to it or don’t stick to it long enough.

You think it’s not working, so you change course or start again, setting yourself back to square one.

I’m all about evaluating, correcting course, and moving forward, but have you taken enough consistent action for a long enough time to tell?

AND (be honest!) are you really taking all the action necessary to create that result,

Or are you taking some of the action some of the time, but not all of the action… ever?

To be clear, I’m not talking about hustling or working 24/7.

I’m talking about taking action consistently.

And most of the time.

I see this happen most often when people feel confused or unsure.

They are not confident to stick with it long enough to get the desired results.

Maybe they aren’t getting results as fast as they want.

Maybe it just feels worse than they think it should.

Maybe they’re comparing & despairing. Other people are making double the progress in half the time; surely something must be wrong.

To remedy this-
Decide in advance:
What action are you willing to take?
How frequently?
For how long of a time?
(Know there is no magic number or length of time; it’s whatever you want it to be.)
Do that and stick with it.

Then, check back in.

For example, are you writing three pages per day of your book, like you said you would?

Are you posting five times a week and doing three weekly Reels, like you said you would?

Are you telling your spouse something you adore about them daily and going on a monthly getaway, like you said you would?

If you take these actions consistently for six months, you will be far closer to having a written book, a more significant online presence, or a better marriage.

If you’re struggling to show up consistently,
If you’re not sure what action to take,
or how frequently,
or for how long,
I can help you.

The first step is to contact me-
you can book a consultation right here.

Reminder: as part of the benefits offered at Logan Health Whitefish, employees get free coaching sessions. They can book an in-person coaching session here, or a remote/Zoom coaching session here