complaints vs. solutions

How much time, energy & effort are you spending complaining about a situation rather than coming up with solutions? 

You complain that Sally at work keeps coming into your office to chat rather than discussing an appropriate time to interrupt you. 

You vent about your spouse to your girlfriends rather than having an open and candid conversation with your spouse. 

You complain about the recent hike in property taxes, how little everyone is paid, and the gas price rather than finding creative ways to budget, save, or create additional income. 

You complain about your GI bloat, your back pain, or your fingernail sensitivity rather than taking steps to consult professionals, research treatment options, or adopt healthy habits. 

You complain about time without implementing strategies like practicing constraint, delegating, or setting boundaries to optimize productivity. 

You lament about incomplete tasks or missed deadlines without developing effective time management techniques or seeing accountability. 

You complain about stagnant growth or feeling stuck without seeking opportunities for growth, learning, or change. 

You grumble about environmental problems like pollution, waste, or climate change without participating in advocacy, sustainable practices, or community initiatives. 

You engage in griping about your family rather than exploring effective communication strategies or seeing routes to improve relationships. 

You consistently express discontentment with aspects of life, like your career, hobbies, or living situation, without actively exploring alternative paths, pursuing passions, or seeking guidance. 

Just imagine what could be different for you in life if you took all the time, energy & effort you applied to complaining, lamenting, griping, and being discontent and instead focused on seeking solutions. 

What more could be possible for you? 

Solutions > Complains

This is how you create & live a life you love. 

If you want to learn how to create and live a life you love, book a complimentary, no-obligation consultation here.

LHW Employees can book a remote session here.

Or an in-person coaching session, here.