Has this ever happened to you? You’re in a bad mood; maybe you’re not quite sure why but you’re crabby and not acting as your best self to those around you. And you feel bad about that. Maybe you’ve snapped, maybe your fuse is too short, maybe it has been happening for a while, and it hasn’t been pleasant to be around you for a minute or a week or two.
So now you’re crabby, AND you feel bad, so it’s even worse. It’s a cycle that could keep going and going, getting worse and worse (feeling crabby, acting badly, feeling worse, acting worse, feeling even more poorly, etc.)
How do you stop the cycle?
It’s a trade secret…
Are you sure you’re ready to hear this?
You make a CHOICE to stop the cycle.
Yes, that’s it.
You might be thinking, but Christine, that’s hard; when I’m upset, I can’t just change my mood like a light switch. Well, you can actually change your mood like a switch; we’ll talk about that tomorrow. But in the meantime, do something that will act as if you’re pressing a reset button-
take a hot shower, go for a 5-minute walk, fix yourself a cup of tea, sit quietly for a few minutes, take a power nap, walk to your car, run up a flight of stairs.
Do something that will act as a reset, and in the next moment-
be kind, be compassionate, be generous, be grateful, or joyous, or loving, be open, or present.
What is more interesting to you- being kind and grateful or being crabby and feeling bad?