
I just had an unplanned, quite uncomfortable, and somewhat unsuccessful medical procedure today that will require more diagnostic testing. 

(Not at LHW, so don’t go thinking it was you, LOL. And don’t worry about me– it’s just my body doing its thing; nothing has gone wrong.) 

Here’s what I didn’t do.


“Of course, this happened.”

“This sort of thing always happens to me!” 

“Well, here we go again…”

“If my doctor wasn’t on vacation, this wouldn’t have happened in the first place.” 

“This is never going to end– first this, then there’ll be more and more.” 

“Having this done is making things worse.”

If I were thinking those thoughts, I would feel overwhelmed, hopeless, dismayed, frustrated, and powerless.

They don’t help anything at all. 

If anything, they only make me feel worse: complaining, stewing, dwelling & feeling sorry for myself. 

Here’s what I do think:

“This is just my body doing its thing.” 

“Nothing has gone wrong; this is just what happens sometimes.” 

“I’m glad I have a medical team who can help me while my doctor is on vacation.” 

“I hope my doctor is getting some well-deserved rest & relaxation.” 

“I’ll have more answers soon.” 

“One step at a time. Let’s get this done & then go from there.” 

These thoughts DO serve. 

Not only do they help me feel better, they help me keep a level head. 

I called to schedule that procedure while I drove home. And they were able to get me in first thing the following day. 

(Here’s another thought: I’m so grateful I was able to get in so soon; if I lived in a bigger city, I’d probably have to wait weeks.)

I choose not to spend time thinking thoughts like this, and now, more often than not (over time & with practice), my brain doesn’t even bother to offer thoughts like this. 

(Even for writing this post, I had to purposefully think about what negative thoughts I could think & what might apply- I have to dig for the negative! How amazing is this?!) 

How do you go through life when not-so-great circumstances come up for you? 

Do you lose your marbles? 

Do you yell & scream & jump up and down? 

Do you shake your fist at the indecency of the universe? 

If you choose to live this way, that’s cool—I’ll still love and support you. 

But I want you to see that it IS a choice, and there is a better way. 

And if you want, I can help you with that. 

Now let me know what questions you have. 

*To be clear, I’m not advocating going along mindlessly with whatever anyone recommends for you. Make informed decisions and advocate for yourself. Keeping a level head and coming from a better-feeling place will help with this, too.

This is how you create & live a life you love.

There are a few ways you can work with me, but the first step is to book a complimentary, no-obligation consultation here.

Reminder: Logan Health Whitefish offers free coaching sessions to employees as part of their benefits package. To book, click how you’d like to meet below.

Hey, one more thing. You can register here for the next free Christine Seager Coaching Masterclass (via Zoom) on How to Change Your Self Concept on July 17, 2024, at 11 AM MT.