it’s within you

It’s late, and our WiFi has been out all weekend. I’m not taking the time to pretty this- just getting it out there. (Also, does anyone text themselves reminders?)

massive action march

Y’all, this month I’m doing “Massive Action March,” and let me tell you about it! 

You know, in the Little Mermaid, when Ariel gets her voice back? That’s what I’m doing. 

Little by little, I’m meeting all the people. 
I’m getting out into my community and telling them I’m a life coach. 
When I hear something that I can help with- I offer to help. 
I’m offering value by doing three workshops this month alone. 
I’m finding my voice, too! 

I know I’m a damn good coach. 
I have proof because my clients have amazing, life-changing results. 

Now, I’m learning how to be an entrepreneur. 
And I’m being a product of my product by practicing what I preach.

I do the work, AND I can help you do so, too.

three things I want everyone to know

1. Life does not have to be so effing hard. 
2. You are an amazing human being who has kick-ass qualities, and a sometimes A-hole brain. (That’s ok, it’s just doing its job.) 
3. You can achieve anything you want to. 

If you want an easier life, 
If you want to learn your specific kick-ass qualities, 
If you want to discover how to handle your A-hole brain (with love and compassion), 
If you want to achieve everything you want, 
I can show you how. Reach out for a free consult. 💕

lead with your heart

Does anyone else write reminders on their hands? Today’s reminder is to lead with my heart. There are always things to do, worries to be had, but if I lead with my heart- I can do no wrong.

what would it be like to speak your truth

Do you speak your truth? 
Do you even know what your truth is? 
What would it be like to speak your truth? 

In two-thousand 18, I came across a post that said, “Do the Universe a favor and don’t hide your magic.” I took a screenshot and then cried because I had no idea what my magic was. 

Somehow, somewhere I had lost myself. 

Two-thousand 19 was a year of pain and then recovery—the pain of hitting rock bottom and the recovery of learning about and stepping toward finding myself. 
Two-thousand 20 was a year of practice and implementing what I had learned (in addition to pandemic, quarantine, etc.) 
Two-thousand 21 will be a year of kicking-ass. 

I know how to ground myself and tap into what I want or need. 
I know I have my own answers (see the previous post). 
I know it’s OK not always to be graceful or have it look easy- it’s not; it will be messy. 
I know how to make and keep promises to myself. 
I know how to show up for myself. 
I know how to work through the hard stuff. 
I know how to trust myself. 
I know I have my own back. 
I know I will not die from this process (even when it’s scary and my brain is sure I am actually going to die). 
I know how to be brave and courageous and loving and compassionate, and I know that I want to live an extraordinary life. 
I know how to take action. 
I know that I can get it done. 
I’m (still) learning how to have more fun and not take myself (or anything) so seriously. 

Want to come along for the ride? 
Hold my La Croix, watch this. 

If you want support tapping in, grounding yourself, learning how to be you, especially if you’ve lost yourself along the way (life, marriage, family, job, do you even know where you’ve lost yourself?) 
Reach out for a consult. 
I can help you. 
I’ve done it for myself and others. 
Let’s find you AND have fun in the process.

graphic that reads: what would it be like to speak your truth?

what would it be like to trust yourself

Do you believe you have your own answers? 
Do you know when to lean in and when to check out? 
What is right, what is best, what is the thing to do (or not do)? 
How do we know? 

Do you feel open and spacious and excited, like you want to lean in- even if it’s potentially hard and scary? 

Do you feel tight and tense and a gut-sense of doom, like you want to lean back? 

When I’m up to something really, REALLY good, I describe it as feeling THRILLED and TERRIFIED simultaneously. 

This is where the magic happens for me, and since I am not a thrill-seeker, I pay attention when I am here. 

I believe we all have our own answers. It’s just a matter of listening to the call. I also think sometimes the calls don’t call- they just whisper. Still, if you feel thrilled and terrified, pay attention here. 

graphic that reads: what would it be like to trust yourself?

what would it be like to love your marriage

Do you love your marriage? 
When you read this, you might think- 
“Yes, of course,” or 
“Mmmm, maybe… not so much… I don’t know.” 

Either way that is OK, and please know you are not alone.

If you are in the latter group, I want you to really hear this: 
It is OK, 
you are not alone, 
AND you can change your marriage. 

Yes, you- just you. 
If your spouse is on board- great. 
If your spouse is not on board- also great. 
You don’t need the other person to be involved in changing your marriage (or any relationship).  
You can do it alone. 
They don’t even need to know it’s happening. 

(Sidebar- I do recommend open communication as much as possible, especially in a marriage. My point here is: you alone CAN have a hugely positive impact on your relationship.)

OK, so back to the original question: 
What would it be like to LOVE your marriage? 
To feel in love like you first did? 
To enjoy each other’s company like you used to. 
To want to snuggle. To want to be near each other. 
To talk about more than just logistics, money, and child-care. 
To remember what it was that made you fall in love with this person sitting across from you (maybe, they’re in the other room?) in the first place. 

Take a second. 
Breathe into that. 
Really, what would it be like? 
It IS possible. 
It’s NOT too late. 

graphic that reads: what would it be like to love your marriage?

would would it be like to love your job

To be excited to get up in the morning, rather than dread your alarm. 

To look forward to going to bed so that you could get up in the morning and go to that job.

Seriously, it IS possible to love a job this much.  

Did you ever have a job like that? 
Do you remember what it felt like? 
Maybe it was one of your first jobs? 

What if you found a job that you loved so much, you’d be willing to do it for free? 

I remember standing at the closed doors to the Emergency Room that I wanted to work in (I was outside waiting to be brought in for an interview). I remember so clearly thinking, “I’m on the wrong side of the doors. Look, there are my future co-workers.” I 100% would have worked at that job for free. 

If you had a job that you loved that much, 
you’d be happier, 
you would feel good about yourself, and 
your heart would be full.

graphic that reads, "what would it be like to love your job?"

would would it be like to have more time

We all have the same number of minutes in a day (1,440), but it’s how we manage those minutes. 

What would it be like to do everything you want to do, 
even with a full-time job,
or three,
plus some kids, 
maybe a side-hustle, 
parents to care for 
And your OWN life (what’s that, again?). 

What would it be like to not rush? 
To have plenty of time. 
No clocks ticking-away. 
No need to run around. 
Time for doing all the things,
including having fun. 

Seriously. Stop right now, just for a minute; 
take a deep breath and imagine it. 

What would it be like?
How does that feel? 

Part of better time management is learning what is essential and what is not. 
Where to focus and where not to. 
For example, perseverating about IF you made the right decision is a waste of time. Either it works, and you can move on (celebrate!), or it didn’t work, and you can learn and move on (also celebrate!). 
Either way, you move on. 
See how easy that is?

The other part of time management is just doing it. 
When you feel overwhelmed, break your to-do list into small actionable steps. 
Then pick just three actions and do them. 
When they’re done, that’s three less things to do. 
Celebrate and move on. 
See how easy that is? 

graphic that reads: what would it be like to have more time?