tell yourself

Do you ever think about what you would tell your younger self? 

Take a second and think of 2 or 3 things you could tell your younger self. 

I would tell my younger self to pan out and look at the bigger picture. 
Money isn’t everything, and it does not buy you happiness. 
Spend more time being grateful than complaining. 
You got to where you are because of your choices, no one else’s.
All of your answers and everything you need are within you- right there in your heart, not out here in the rest of the world. 

Now, let’s flip this around. 
What might your older self tell your now self? 

I imagine: 
To pan out and look at the bigger picture. 
Money isn’t everything, and it does not buy you happiness. 
Spend more time being grateful rather than complaining. 
You got to where you are because of your choices, no one else’s. 
All of your answers and everything you need are within you- right there in your heart, not out here in the rest of the world.

Funny how that works. 💕

five questions for decision-making

Are you grappling with a difficult decision? 

Decisions are easier when we have INFORMATION- both about the decision to make and about ourselves. 

Do you have all the information that’s available to you? 
If not, gather it. 

Then consider yourself: 
1. What’s most important to you about this decision? 
2. What worries you the most? 
Look to your future and consider- 3. How will this decision impact you in the future? 4. Who do you want to be, and how does this fit your future vision? 
5. What’s most important to you in the whole of your life, and how does this decision fit?

Remember, you get to choose how you show up to your life- no matter what is going on around you. 
And that is a beautiful thing.

move your body

You know how you get your best ideas when you’re in the shower? 

I hear my voice of wisdom when I’m walking, running, road biking, or whatever other mundane and repetitive activity. 

Voice of wisdom, intuition, divine guidance, whatever you call it- hearing it is critical. 

If you feel like you’re stuck, get out there and MOVE YOUR BODY. Moving your body outside is ideal. Moving your body outside in the sunshine is even better. 

Just get moving and pay some attention so you can hear your voice of wisdom, too.

see your part in all things

Marie Forleo: “It’s as though my soul recalibrated once I found the courage to speak my truth. I… did everything I could to discover what it takes to live a truly magnificent life. I read tons of books, went to countless seminars, and hired the best coaches I could find. My life, which was never that bad to begin with, completely transformed into something utterly magical. Out of a willingness to really investigate how I was operating in my life and see my part in things, all the personal and professional success that had eluded me for so long finally clicked into place.” 

See her part in all things. 

Do you see your part in all things?  There are always choices. You get to choose who to be and how you show up to your life.

it’s coming…

How was your weekend? Y’all ready to get back at it tomorrow? 

In other news, I cannot wait for days like this!! It’s already staying lighter later. The sunshine is warm. The grass is greening. We’ll be mowing again before we know it. It’s coming…

drama is a choice

I’m a tough-love type gal. I apply it to myself and others. I have high expectations, but I will fight for you- for YOU- just as fiercely. AND I apply the same rules for myself. 

Today- running for 60 minutes- I don’t care the distance, just 60 minutes, no stopping. I don’t feel like it; I’ve been procrastinating for ~2 hours. I was planning to go at 11, it’s already 1:15, and I have an event this afternoon, so I am literally out of time. And it’s windy, and it’s overcast, and I feel so tired… but I’m still going. I’ll be out there with Crazy (AKA., Max) in the next 15 minutes. 

No one cares. Keep going.

half marathon [insert crazy emoji here]

Today- ran ~4 miles in ~ 50 minutes and signed up for the Whitefish Half Marathon.

It’s official- we’re on!!  

I hope to finish the half in 2.5 hours. The race will start at 8 AM, and the half marathon awards start at 10:30 AM- so getting in in time for the awards is my goal- in addition to simply finishing. 

Unfortunately, my running buddy will not be at the half marathon with me, but he enjoys all the training. 🐾

absurd april- and now we RUN

Massive Action March was so fun and successful that I decided to continue with a monthly theme- ABSURD APRIL because I plan to RUN an ABSURD amount. 

I was considering running anyway… and then I heard about the half marathon in May- good time, good distance. Game on! 

Who wants to join me? 

I’ll post what I’m doing the day that I do it. 
I am NOT recommending this as YOUR plan- only you &/or trained professionals know what will work for you. 
I’m simply sharing my plan and what I am doing. 
And to be clear, I am NOT training for time. I’m training to reach my goal, complete the race, feel good, and be a more loving family member. 

Two days ago, I ran 15 minutes for activity level reference, stopped for one, and ran 15 minutes back on mostly flat asphalt. The next day, I rode my bike for ~ an hour, maybe an hour -15 (?). I didn’t time it; there was a lot of wind. That is my baseline activity level. 

Here we goooooo!!!!

networking- how to do it + a little bit of coaching

Someone recently asked HOW to network, so here’s how to network, with a little bit of coaching, of- course, b/c that’s how I roll. 

1. Research to see what events happening, when & where. Start with the local chambers of commerce, peruse Facebook by filtering for local networking events, and ask around. 

2. At events, collect business cards. This way, you have a name, phone number, email address, and you can likely find the person on social media. 

3. On social: send friend requests ASAP. Start liking, commenting, sharing, and hanging out with them. Be AUTHENTIC. You can literally just type your thought into the comments. 

4. In-person: check those business cards and pick a few people you’re genuinely interested in getting to know better. Contact them and schedule a coffee date. When you meet with them, be present to the person in front of you. If you have a firm end time, set the alarm as a gentle reminder- this way, you don’t even have to look at the time. You can let the person know as soon as you meet them, so it’s not awkward or feel personal. Get to know them, their business, and who their ideal clients are. Note this for any potential future referrals to send their way. Listen for pain points that you could offer relief with &/or share who your ideal clients are. 

5. Notice what others are doing, that you like, and do that, too. I learned to send handwritten thank-you notes, tag others on social media, and pick up the phone to speak with people by mimicking others. 

Coaching tip:
Be aware of your thoughts and choose HOW you want to show up. Are you worried no one will talk to you? Or they won’t like you? Or that you may have to sit alone? This feels like dread, worry, and nervousness- not the best way to show up to an event, right? 

Try this instead. What qualities would you rather demonstrate? Being courageous, loving, smart, and kind. Next, ask yourself: what would someone who is courageous, loving,  smart, and kind do? They would see this as a great way to meet people. They would be present to the person in front of them.

What are your best networking tips?