Do you ever have a realization? I mean just one specific thing that you realize and then everything changes?
Maybe you’re washing dishes or in the shower (I do all of my best thinking in the shower) and something profound dawns on you and you’re like- wow, I can have that, do that, be that, etc.
In that moment, everything changes, even your body feels different.
I had one of these yesterday, and it felt amazing, but I didn’t write it down and now I forget what it was and I feel sad.
Are you aware of what’s happening when you have a life-altering transformation? Do you know that it’s happening while it’s happening?
I would venture to say… sometimes yes and sometimes no.
In my life, there were times when I knew I was embarking on a life-altering transformation. The obvious ones were when I went away to college, later moved across the country, and subsequently met my husband.
But there were also times when I didn’t realize a life-altering transformation was coming. Like the time one of my clients moved to tears and said, “Oh my God, I had no idea I was making this so hard on myself.” Or the time that I was moved to tears when another client bought herself a scooter. I was so proud of her- for the life she was creating and the courage she had to live a life she loves. And I was so overwhelmed with joy and honored to be there to witness it. A moment of loss can also be a life-altering transformation that you don’t know is coming- everything changes instantly.
Then there were times that I desperately wanted a life-altering transformation: when I hired my first coach- I felt like something was missing, but I couldn’t quite put a finger on it. When I started coaching school- I knew I needed coaching for myself as much as I wanted to learn to help others. Or, more recently, when I purchased an online business course, hoping it would give me all the answers and tell me everything to do to grow my business. But instead, it taught me how to change my THINKING, completely altering my life forever- not the change I expected.
If you believe there is some reason you cannot change your life, it is simply not true. You can change your life in a single moment. Think about your own life-altering transformations: decisions you have made, things you have done, the courage you have. Do you see how in one moment, you changed your life? And if you’re someone who desperately wants a life-altering transformation, please reach out. I can help you. I have been there. I’ve done it myself. I’ve supported others to change their lives, and you can do it too. There is no reason you can’t change and live a life you love.
Photo of Christine at Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy, on a life-altering vacation.
I just LOVE it when my clients share their celebrations.
Celebrating so clearly reminds us that we CAN do hard things. And if you’re celebrating, then you already did something hard!
Celebrating helps keep us focused. We see that it IS working, which keeps us motivated so we can do more hard things.
Lastly, celebrating helps us more easily come back to this good place. When we look for things to celebrate, spend time in them, and absorb them into our bones our brain fires & wires those synapses together. This creating a more direct path so we can get to this good place faster & more easily next time.
If this interests you and you would like to celebrate too, book a free discovery call… and you’ll have this goofy girl 👉🏻 cheering you on. 😂🤣
This topic comes up frequently during coaching sessions.
Often we are the most upset when we’re resisting the emotions we feel.
Maybe we don’t want to be uncomfortable.
Maybe we’re afraid of what will happen when we feel those feelings.
Maybe we think it’s “wrong” or “shouldn’t” feel a certain way.
But, when we accept what is, including feeling, all the feels, is when the energy shifts, the space opens, and we can move through it.
Try it for yourself. I feel __ b/c __. Keep going & get all the “yuck” out on paper. Write it down or share it with a friend.
Then ask yourself: how would you rather feel?
What thoughts could you think to help you feel that way?
Some examples (and feel free to borrow any of these thoughts for yourself): I am INSPIRED. The sun is shining, and I feel good today. So let’s take advantage of this time and make hay while the sun shines!
I am GRATEFUL for the love & support that’s around me. Specifically, I have a wonderful spouse who let me cough up all my yuck to him this morning. I am LOVING. I will return his love to him by being appreciative & sharing how much better I feel with him. I am IN AWE of the human experience; what a trip life is- the good & the bad. I’m thrilled to be witnessing it. I am SUPPORTIVE. I will do my best to support others in what they want to do and how they want to show up to life.
Book a free discovery call if this interests you and you would like to learn how to accept and work through your feelings, including accepting the yuck feelings and feeling how you would rather feel.
For my people who struggle with “not-enoughness” or lack:
I see you.
You feel like there is never enough time.
There is not enough money.
You are not enough.
You don’t do enough.
You aren’t good enough.
You aren’t taking enough care of your people, yourself, your peers, your patients.
No matter how much you give, no matter what you do, it is still not enough.
You are oh so tired of the constant battle- the worries, the stress, the decision fatigue– the what is best and where and how and why?
I have one question for you.
Is it true?
Get to the facts.
Do a time study.
Check the bank accounts.
Get feedback.
Do the research.
Often, you will find that it is not actually true. You may see the money or find the time simply doing the research.
For example, when you feel like there is not enough money- check the accounts and do the math- is it true? How much money is there; what is the exact dollar amount? How much is “enough”? Are you paying your bills every month? Do you have a roof over your head? Is your family eating? Do you have clothes to wear?
What about time? How are you spending your time? Maybe you scroll. Maybe you perseverate about worries. Maybe you spend time complaining about work when you are not at work. How’s that working for you? That’s like doing a double workday… for free. You don’t get paid for this additional time!! Stop that! What about this- how much time do you spend worrying about not enough time?
Time and time again, my clients find that what they think and believe is not really true.
When you feel like there is lack or not-enoughness, just ask yourself: is this true? And look at the facts.
Today, my client expressed how it’s so much easier to hold himself accountable when he gets support by sharing his intentions with others.
Support expands your confidence, caring, and compassion; your innate desire to do what’s best for you & your loved ones, even (or especially) when the action you know you need to take feels challenging and scary.
We often know what we need to do, what is ours to do, but we stall, giving in to the inertia, wondering why we haven’t yet taken action.
Instead, in getting support, we can move forward to a different way of relating to each other in a kind, caring, and compassionate way…
Support is simply, “to give assistance to.” Support can look like: simply sharing what your intention is, sharing what and by when you are willing to do something, having a discussion with someone about something difficult. It’s a matter of being accountable to someone outside of yourself to help make your actions easier.
What is more interesting to you? Engaging in (continued) inertia or living an extraordinary life?
As we know, the Great Resignation continues. People are unsatisfied, unfulfilled, & generally fed up with the lack of work-life balance. During the pandemic, we had the time to notice life passing by too quickly. We had the opportunity to step back and evaluate what we wanted in life. More money, flexibility, and happiness are at the top of our lists. And being more valued is especially sought after, right now, for many healthcare workers, causing us to rethink what work really means to us. Sure, there are still bills to pay, but we are finding ways to make work accommodate our joy adventure, family, and life in general.
Sometimes the grass IS greener on the other side, and that’s OK, too.