no one “right” way

We think there is only one “right” way, but we don’t know what it is. 
We see others having the success we want, but we don’t know how. 
We wonder what they know that we don’t. 
We wonder what we’re missing. 
We wonder why they have “it,” and we don’t. 
We sit, maybe feeling sorry for ourselves, taking no action because it all feels so obscure. 

But here’s the truth. 

What works for them might not work for you. 
You won’t know until you try it. 

What works for you might not work for them, either. 
You won’t know until you try it. 

Be willing to try. 
Be willing to trust. 
Be willing to jump in with both feet. 

No action will keep you right where you are, and 
you were meant for more than this.


Let’s talk about confidence. 

Whenever you do something new or different, your confidence is at “risk.” Your fears, doubts, and worries pop up, and the chatter you hear in your mind gets louder; the more significant the change, the louder the chatter. 

Start by reminding yourself of a few things: Why do you want this change in the first place? What prompted it? What are the benefits? Why do you love this new thing? 

Then, identify the worries and fears. Write them out, one by one. Consider: is it true, or does it just feel that way? What are the facts about each worry- provable in the court of law? 

Lastly, write a list of what you do know. Have you seen the quote, “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can,” by Arthur Ashe? Where are you? What do you have? What can you do? Set a timer if you need it, and get creative. Write a list of all of the things that you do know. And remember, it’s fine to start small. You don’t need to have all the answers, just be willing to take the next step.

In just a few minutes, you will see that there are options; indeed, there is something that you can do. And once you see what you know, you’ll find that shift in your confidence. 

failure is not possible

Failure requires an endpoint against which to measure- otherwise, how would you know if or when you failed? 

And possibilities are infinite- there is no end to the possibilities that could exist. 

Therefore, failure is not possible- there’s no endpoint against which to measure because the possibilities for you/ for your life, are infinite.

the bigger yes

We’re always saying yes to something, even if it’s just scrolling on our phones mindlessly for hours. Whether we’re fully aware of it or not, how we spend our time is what we’ve chosen to say YES to.

But the BIGGER YES is when we live in alignment with what is most important to us. 

Do you want to be mindlessly scrolling, or would you rather be present to life? 

Do you want to be mindlessly scrolling, or would you rather be cultivating meaningful relationships with people, even if just online? 

Do you want to be mindlessly scrolling, or would you rather observe, learn, and get to the heart of what matters?

When you are willing to be PRESENT- you are present to life and all that goes on around you. 

When you are willing to be SUPPORTIVE, TRUTHFUL, or VULNERABLE- you cultivate meaningful relationships with people, even just online. 

And when you are willing to be COMPASSIONATE, OPEN, or RECEPTIVE- you observe, learn, and clearly see what is at the heart of what matters. 

Be willing to, and you will be.

last time, first time?

When was the last time you did something for the first time? 

This past March, my mom went to Europe for the first time, and I was there for it. My greatest joy was watching her ooohing and aaahing at all the sites, and she discovered she LOVES gelato! 

#onceinalifetimetrip #orisit

(Also, making my mom smile & laugh is one of my favorite things. I’m so glad I caught a picture of this.)


When you see possibility, 
And then do that which seemed impossible
Your brain says, “Huh, I wonder what else is possible.” 

Everything is possible. 

You don’t have to know how or when, 
just know 

It is possible. 

Then do.
And you will achieve.


Do you want a quick and easy way to make a connection with others? They will pay more attention to you, better remember what you say and do, and it only takes 3-5 seconds… make eye contact.

Eye contact increases your bond with others, displays honesty, builds trust and increases understanding. As a result, others feel more empathy, are more self-aware and feel safer being honest with you.

In her book, Stroke of Insight by Jill Bolte Taylor, Jill shares how after her stroke, she could easily sense the people who were there to care for & help her or those who were just ‘going through the motions.’ She said, “I needed them to look me in the eye… to just bring their hope and their energy to me, as opposed to taking energy away. It was all I had at that moment.”

As healthcare providers, our own energy reserves are low, and it can be challenging to share the little energy we have. But in only a few seconds, we can contribute to others, and of course, that goodness comes back to us, filling us up. Imagine how good it feels to be both the giver and the receiver of safety, honesty, trust, and understanding- or just try it for yourself.

how to do that to-do list

My clients often hear me say: mindset + action = results. 

Sometimes MINDSET means being willing to do hard things, 

being willing to do what that we which don’t necessarily want to do, 

and being willing to be uncomfortable, 

all for the results we want. 

Regarding what ACTIONS to take, it’s probably easy enough to write your to-do list, but David Allan (Getting Things Done) suggests writing a list of “next actions” instead. For example, suppose I have to change my car’s tires. In that case, there are several steps: decide where I would like to go, call to make an appointment, get the tires out of storage and into my car, determine what I will do while the tires are getting changed (I.E., will I need a ride?), and block out my work schedule so no one else can book time. Each of these is a separate “next action.” 

  1. Brain dump everything that needs to get done or rewrite your current to-do list in “next action” format, breaking it down into each small next step. 
  2. Determine how long each thing will take- give it your best guess and add a bit more time, always rounding up. Write the time next to each “next action.”
  3. Schedule it on your calendar. 
  4. Throw away the list.  
  5. Stick to the schedule. Stick to the schedule. Stick to the schedule. 

Be willing to: be uncomfortable, consistently show up for yourself, and do the hard things, and before you know it, your neverending to-do list will be a thing of the past. 

write it down

Do you ever have a realization? I mean just one specific thing that you realize and then everything changes?

Maybe you’re washing dishes or in the shower (I do all of my best thinking in the shower) and something profound dawns on you and you’re like- wow, I can have that, do that, be that, etc.

In that moment, everything changes, even your body feels different.

I had one of these yesterday, and it felt amazing, but I didn’t write it down and now I forget what it was and I feel sad.

PSA- write it down IMMEDIATELY!

That’s all.

life-altering transformation

Are you aware of what’s happening when you have a life-altering transformation? Do you know that it’s happening while it’s happening?

I would venture to say… sometimes yes and sometimes no.

In my life, there were times when I knew I was embarking on a life-altering transformation. The obvious ones were when I went away to college, later moved across the country, and subsequently met my husband.

But there were also times when I didn’t realize a life-altering transformation was coming. Like the time one of my clients moved to tears and said, “Oh my God, I had no idea I was making this so hard on myself.” Or the time that I was moved to tears when another client bought herself a scooter. I was so proud of her- for the life she was creating and the courage she had to live a life she loves. And I was so overwhelmed with joy and honored to be there to witness it. A moment of loss can also be a life-altering transformation that you don’t know is coming- everything changes instantly.

Then there were times that I desperately wanted a life-altering transformation: when I hired my first coach- I felt like something was missing, but I couldn’t quite put a finger on it. When I started coaching school- I knew I needed coaching for myself as much as I wanted to learn to help others. Or, more recently, when I purchased an online business course, hoping it would give me all the answers and tell me everything to do to grow my business. But instead, it taught me how to change my THINKING, completely altering my life forever- not the change I expected.

If you believe there is some reason you cannot change your life, it is simply not true. You can change your life in a single moment. Think about your own life-altering transformations: decisions you have made, things you have done, the courage you have. Do you see how in one moment, you changed your life? And if you’re someone who desperately wants a life-altering transformation, please reach out. I can help you. I have been there. I’ve done it myself. I’ve supported others to change their lives, and you can do it too. There is no reason you can’t change and live a life you love.

Photo of Christine at Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy, on a life-altering vacation.