
Are you someone who needs others to co-sign on your ideas?

You’re afraid of being judged, criticized, or doing it “wrong.”

This might look like:

You want to write a book but struggle to start writing or sharing this dream with others.

You constantly seek validation from fellow writers & online writing communities.

You do all the research to ensure your idea is worth pursuing and that you know exactly how to do it.

You don’t trust your own creativity & you rely on external validation before taking any concrete steps toward writing. 

Perhaps you want to switch careers and pursue your desire to become a wedding planner.

You constantly seek validation from your friends & family that this is a good idea. 

You don’t attend workshops or start marketing your business until everyone else is onboard, too.

You struggle to trust your own talent & abilities without constant reassurance from others.

You spend time talking to everyone else rather than 

Believing in your ideas, 

Being proactive in your decision-making, 

Taking empowered action, 

(Even if others are skeptical), 

And developing the self-confidence 

To make decisions based on your desires and values, 

Trusting your own judgment,

Embracing your individuality, 

And creating & living a life you love. 

You don’t need others to opt in, co-sign, or agree with what you are doing. 

You only need to believe in yourself, 

Recognizing your own enoughness, 

Just as you are. 

If you’d like help to recognize your own enoughness, I can help.

Click here to take the first step & book your complimentary, no-obligation consultation.

As a reminder, for LHW employees, coaching is free! Click here to book your in-person coaching session or here for a remote coaching session.

lead with your heart

Embrace the power of leading with your heart!

When you trust and follow your heart’s guidance, amazing things unfold.

Here’s why leading with your heart is not just important but also a game-changer:

Authenticity: Leading with your heart allows you to be your true self.

It’s about embracing your values, passions, and desires without compromise.

By staying true to yourself, you attract genuine connections and experiences.

Clarity & Alignment: Your heart knows what truly resonates with you.

By tuning in and listening closely, you gain clarity about your path, goals, and aspirations.

This alignment brings focus, motivation, and a sense of purpose.

Empathy & Connection: Leading with your heart opens the door to understanding and empathy.

You create deeper connections and foster meaningful relationships when you approach others with compassion, kindness, and genuine care.

Intuition & Wise Decisions: Your heart holds an innate wisdom that transcends logic.

By tapping into your intuition, you make decisions that feel profoundly right.

Trusting your instincts leads to well-informed choices and personal growth.

Resilience & Fulfillment: Following your heart often means taking risks and embracing vulnerability.

It builds resilience as you navigate challenges with courage and determination.

Ultimately, living in alignment with your heart’s desires brings deep fulfillment and a sense of wholeness.

So, let’s lead with our hearts, embracing authenticity, clarity, empathy, intuition, and resilience along the way. 

Trust that when you honor the wisdom of your heart, the path ahead becomes brighter and more fulfilling.

If leading with your heart interests you, book a complimentary, no-obligation consultation here.