Breaking Down Defensive Walls: The Key to Better Conversations

One of the biggest challenges in healthcare communication is defensiveness. You’ve likely experienced it yourself—someone makes a comment, and before you even think about it, you feel the need to defend your actions. This is especially common in high-pressure environments like hospitals, where emotions can run high, and time is limited.

But here’s the thing: defensiveness shuts down conversations.

Instead of connecting and solving problems, it creates walls that are hard to break through. So, how can you dismantle those walls and create a space where real conversations can happen?

Problem: Why Defensiveness Takes Over

Defensiveness often kicks in when we feel misunderstood or criticized. Our brain goes into protection mode, making it hard to hear the other person’s perspective. And in healthcare, where every decision feels important, this reaction is even stronger.

But defensiveness doesn’t just hurt the conversation; it blocks the chance for true collaboration.

Solution: Focus on Empathy and Curiosity

To break through defensiveness, try leading with empathy and curiosity. Here’s how:

  • Start by acknowledging their emotions: Statements like, “I can see why you might feel frustrated,” show the other person that you recognize their experience. This lowers their defenses and opens the door for a more constructive conversation.
  • Ask questions rather than making assumptions: Instead of assuming why something went wrong, ask about their thought process. Try, “What was going on for you in that moment?” or “How do you think we can avoid this next time?” This invites a collaborative mindset, allowing both sides to work together toward a solution.

Results: Building Trust and Reducing Conflict

When you approach conversations with empathy and curiosity, you not only avoid triggering defensiveness but also build trust. People feel heard and understood, which leads to more openness, cooperation, and problem-solving.

By practicing these techniques, you can make conversations in healthcare less about defending positions and more about working together to find solutions.

Want to go deeper? My Collaborative Communication masterclass will give you practical tools to use empathy and curiosity effectively, helping you improve communication at work and home. You can register here.

If you’re a Logan Health employee, remember you have access to a free coaching with me as part of your benefits! (BTW, it’s completely confidential. I don’t share who I work with, what role coaching clients are in, what department they work in, etc.) Let’s work together to strengthen your communication skills and reduce stress in your professional life. You can book a coaching session here