
No one is going to decide for you.

So, you might as well learn how to decide for yourself now, and the sooner, the better.

You can poll all your friends.

Ask your spouse.

Confer with your mentor.

But they can’t decide for you.

They aren’t you.

Even with your best intentions at heart, they won’t experience the outcome of your decisions the same way.

Tough love truth: it comes down to you.

So, what do you want?

Which decision feels more like FEAR, and which feels more like LOVE?

What route helps you feel expansive, rejuvenated, or euphoric?

And if you can’t get to that–

Which feels thrilling & terrifying?

I know that when I’m thrilled and terrified, I’m in the exact right place—despite being uncomfortable.

Often, the best decision is not comfortable.

But comfortable equals boring, too.

Similar to: it’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all; it’s better to be thrilled and terrified than not be thrilled and terrified at all.

Here’s the thing: the sooner you make a decision, the sooner you can implement it, and the sooner you can make that decision be the best decision.

You will NOT die.

You WILL learn.

If you want to learn a process for how to make empowered decisions, join me this Wednesday, April 17, at 6 PM MT for the next (FREE) CSC Masterclass. You can register right here:


Alex Hormozi said, “If you want to see who has the most control over your life… just look at who you blame.”


So much truth in this.

It’s so much easier to put the blame elsewhere,

Rather than face the cold, hard truth–

(And I say this with all the love in the world)

That it’s you.

You are to blame.

So often, we think our fate lies in the hands of others.

We give all of that power away.

But it’s you.

You have the control.

The power lies with you.

You have the ability to make a change.

And every moment that you are not changing….

Is a moment that you are choosing the exact same results.

Staying small.

Staying safe.

Not taking any risks.

Not learning.

Not growing.

Not taking any action.

Not creating any data from which to learn.

This surely is the harder path.

The one where you see that it’s on you.

But it’s the path that creates results.

Radical ownership is when you see that– 

It lies with you.

Your life.

Your business.

Your relationships.

Your happiness.

The only question that remains is:

Are you willing to do what it takes?

And the only way you will know is by trying.

You take action.

Have data.

Analyze the data.

See if you’ve created the results you want.

If not, you try something else.





If you want to see who has the most control over your life,

Look no further than yourself.

If you’d like to learn more about radical ownership to have the power & control to create the results you want in life, I can help you.


Do you take your dreams seriously?

Or do you half-ass any steps you take toward them?

You think about applying for your master’s, but talk yourself out of it.

You dream about working abroad but don’t think it’s possible, so you don’t pursue it.

You really, really want to go on that big trip, but it seems like such a pipe dream that you discount it before you even consider how it could be feasible.

I invite you to dream again.

But this time, take your dreams seriously.

Learn to level up.

Show up for yourself.

Commit to work towards what you want.

Your dreams certainly will not become reality if you don’t think they are possible, but I assure you they are.

Start breaking down how they could become a reality and get to work.

Living a life you love will be worth every step you take to get there.

If you want help breaking down how to achieve your dreams, I can help you. I support my clients in having, doing, being, or achieving anything they want. Let me help you create the life of your dreams. Book a consult here.

Reminder: as part of the benefits offered at Logan Health Whitefish, employees get free coaching sessions. You can book an in-person coaching session here or a remote/Zoom coaching session here. Let me help you create the life of your dreams.

The Solution to Overthinking

Overthinking is a way our brains keep us small, safe, and exactly where we are.

Let’s say you have a career decision to make. Should you stay in your current position or start a new job with a different company?

You don’t know the “right” answer because you don’t fully know what it will be like once you get there.

Will it be easier or harder?
Can you make the same amount of money you make now?
What will the people you work with be like?
What about your new boss?
What will the hours be (not what they say they will be)?
What sort of support will you have?
Will they deliver on their promises?

You can’t tell how this will work out for you until you get there, no matter how much research you do or what questions you ask.

Getting data is undoubtedly helpful, but no one can decide for you.

And you will never have a 100% guarantee, either way.

So, I suggest you simply DECIDE.

Ask yourself: if either way was the “right” decision, what do you WANT to do?

Then go & make that BE the right decision.

Go all in on that decision.

I’m Christine. I’m a RESULTS coach. This means I help my clients have, do, be, or achieve anything they want in life– because life is too short to be so miserable.

I have a few one-on-one coaching spots available, starting in April.

You can check out at my next free monthly masterclass, How to Create More Fun, on March 13. Registration is required; you can do so here.

Reminder: as part of the benefits offered at Logan Health Whitefish, employees get free coaching sessions. You can book an in-person coaching session here or a remote/Zoom coaching session here

My own writing FREED ME.

One of the most profound things I learned through my journalling allowed me to put down so much fear & anxiety; it absolutely freed me.

I never worried about that situation again. Ever.

I’m an avid journaler.

Through writing, I’ve learned a lot.

And I believe we can empower ourselves and gain clarity by answering our own questions.

So, what’s one question that’s been bothering you?

How much time, energy & effort do you spend thinking about it?

You may have a decision to make, some confusion to clear up, or a problem to work out.

I challenge you today to answer it for yourself.

Write it out.

Get all of your thoughts out, all of your questions, and answer them one by one.

If you’re not used to writing, just try it–

See what comes up for you.

And I’ll share a few pro tips:

1️⃣ Create a safe space for yourself. This is just an experiment to see what you can work out on your own.

2️⃣ Try not to judge yourself. No one says you must follow through with anything; you can decide that later. For now, just write it out.

3️⃣ If you’re worried that someone will find it– tear it up & throw it away as soon as you’re done writing.

4️⃣ If more questions come up, answer those questions, too.

5️⃣ If you’re worried it will take too long, set a time for as much as you want to spend on it. When the timer goes off, you can decide if you want to keep writing or not.

Journaling has had a profound impact on my life.

The ability to get my thoughts out on paper, where I can look at them objectively and then decide what (if anything) to do about them.

Seriously, it’s priceless.

Are you a journaler? What has been your experience?

If this is your first time, how did it go?

If this is interesting to you & you’d like to learn more, I am an open-book—

Ask away or reach out.

I’m happy to share.

One Simple Hack to Decrease Your Phone Time

Discomfort vs. your phone: your phone will win every time.

Are you someone who often and randomly finds your phone in your hand?

Scrolling is often a form of avoidance.

But if you want to create and live a life you love, just consider– 

Is this how you WANT to spend your time?

If not, first, look at what you might be avoiding.

You can do this by asking yourself: 

What would I be doing if I wasn’t on my phone right now? 

And what emotion would I be feeling? 

For example: 

Maybe no one invited you to hang out, and you feel lonely.

Maybe you have work to do but don’t know what to do next & feel stupid.

Maybe you haven’t called your mom in a while, so you feel bad.

Figuring out the thought you are thinking, the thought that’s just BEFORE you pick up your phone to scroll, the one that has you scrolling instead of doing something uncomfortable, empowers you to make conscious & intentional decisions.

Is this how you want to live your life?

If not, break down that thought and decide to take action anyway.

You can invite people to hang out.

At work, give your best guess as to what to do next & do it, or determine how you can figure it out. 

As soon as you think to call your mom, call her– right now!

Not all mindless scrolling is bad, but I want you to be aware of how you spend your time and make sure it’s aligned with what is truly most important to you. 

You only have so much time here on this earth. 

How do you WANT to spend it?

This is how you create & live a life you love.

If you want support to spend less time on your phone or screens, I can help.

There are a few ways you can work with me, but the first step is to book a

Reminder: Employees get free coaching sessions as part of the benefits offered at Logan Health Whitefish. Book an:

Last thing: get in early and register for the next free monthly Christine Seager Coaching Masterclass on How to Create More Fun by registering here.

People Pleasers Are Liars?!

I recently heard that people pleasers are liars, and at first, I was like, “What?! No!”

But after consideration, I can see how it’s true.

Let’s say your desired result is to lose weight.

Your sister visits and brings you a box of baked goods from a fantastic bakery near her.

She’s excited to share these treats with you, but you know these treats are not on your dietary plan and may hinder your progress in losing weight.

But you also don’t want to tell her no because, after all, she went through the trouble of buying and bringing them to you; she wants to make you happy, and you don’t want to make her upset.

What are your options?

If you say yes to her, you are saying no to yourself, to your goals & dreams.

And you are lying because your genuine desire is to lose weight, not to eat the treats. (I mean, let’s be real, you probably want to eat the treats AND lose weight, but that’s not how weight loss actually works.)

So, what to do?

First, decide how you want to show up to this.

Maybe you want to be kind and gracious.

Consider– what would someone loving, kind & gracious do?

They might say, “Thank you so much for this generous gift. I love you so much, and I’m touched that you thought of me. I’m sorry I didn’t share this previously, but I’m working towards losing weight. Treats like these are not on my food protocol. Would you like me to keep them for you or share them with our neighbor?”

You can be loving, kind & gracious, AND responsible for yourself, staying true to your weight loss goal.

And your sister can be responsible for herself– for her thoughts, feelings & actions, too.

This is how we create and live a life we love.

P.S. As a reminder, as part of the benefits offered at Logan Health Whitefish, employees get free coaching sessions. You can book an in-person coaching session here or a remote/Zoom coaching session here

P.P.S. You can get in early and register for the next free monthly Christine Seager Coaching Masterclass on How to Create More Fun by registering here.


Are you someone who is easily distracted? If so, this one is for you. 

Being easily distracted can lead to frustration, feeling overwhelmed, anxiousness, or stress. 

If you even catch yourself being distracted in the first place, you might think: 

“What is wrong with me? Why can’t I stay focused?”

“I can’t ever get anything done.” 

“Why can’t I focus on just one thing like everyone else?” 


“It takes me forever & I’ll never catch up when I can’t get things completed.” 

You know staying focused will help you be more productive, save time, and achieve your goals, but how can you do that? 

Well, a few ways. 

First, mindset: 

“I can learn how to do this.” 

“I am in control of my attention.” 

“I can try a few different things until I find something that works.”


“I am improving my productivity.” 

The strategy: 

  1. Notice what you’re doing that has you distracted. I.E., is your phone in your hand when you’re supposed to be getting ready for work? Or you’re talking to your family when you should have been out the door already? See if you can determine your thoughts just before you picked up your phone. 
  2. Repeat in your head what you are doing, what task you are completing. I.E., I’m getting dressed. Or I’m gathering my lunch. Or, I’m writing an article. One part of your brain can focus on the task & the other part is reminding your brain of what you’re focusing on. 
  3. You can set a timer. A metronome may help, too– the ticking sound can be a constant reminder to stay on task until the task is complete. 

It’s helpful to realize that being easily distracted is not a problem; it’s something you can figure out how to work with so you can stay better focused & achieve your goals. 


Are you someone who is a caretaker for a loved one? If so, this one is for you. 

You well know this can be a very challenging situation. There are so many emotions involved:

Fear of the unknown, pending loss, emotional & financial strain. 

Overwhelmed by the responsibilities involved, and then additional guilt for feeling overwhelmed.

Resentment that you’re in this situation in the first place. 

You’re likely sad about the pain & suffering your loved one is enduring. 

Angry at the unfairness of it all, 

Powerless to do much about it, 

Anxious about your future, 

And lonely because as much as they try, no one else understands or ‘gets it.’ 

And again, there’s a constant undercurrent of resentment- that these were the cards you were dealt, this is your lot in life. 

No wonder you withdraw from others, avoid discussing what’s happening & are exhausted, especially if you think you need to be strong for everyone else. 

Beyond stressed, heading nose-first into burnout, you’re just waiting to snap & really lose it any second now. 

But where you choose to focus will help you feel better. 

If you want to feel empowered, look to see what you can control, what choices you have agency over, even if it’s your own health & well-being. 

If you want to feel gratitude, look for the little things to be grateful for, spend some time in that gratitude, and soak it in (similar to how a sponge absorbs water).

If you want to feel courage, focus on the brave things you’re doing right now. 

If you want to feel joy, focus on the present moment & find joy in little things- the sun’s rays shining through the window or the sound of Robin’s chirping. 

These better-feeling emotions don’t change the circumstances of your loved one’s illness, but they will help you to feel better and more empowered while you navigate these challenges. 

If you want to learn how to feel better, even while facing difficult life circumstances, I can help you– book a consultation to discuss how. 

Reminder: as part of the benefits offered at Logan Health Whitefish employees get free coaching sessions. You can book an in-person coaching session here or a remote/Zoom coaching session here


Here’s a little story for you about “Jane.” Of course, all names have been changed to protect the innocent. 😉

At 42, Jane found herself navigating the complexities of being a mother. The weight of concerns about her daughter’s future and the demands of her Monday-to-Friday 9-5 management job often left her feeling overwhelmed. Jane grappled with persistent negative self-talk, second-guessing her decisions, and seeking validation from others.

In her management role, Jane often doubted her capabilities. She hesitated to take on new responsibilities, fearing failure and questioning her competency. Personal and professional boundaries blurred, as she believed success required constant sacrifices.

The strains extended to her relationships, and her marriage occasionally took a backseat to the demands of her job. Financial aspirations fueled her drive, but doubts lingered about her ability to climb the corporate ladder. Jane’s love for reading and outdoor activities felt like distant pastimes, overshadowed by the constant need for external validation.

Vacations were rare, and even during these breaks, Jane found it challenging to detach herself from work-related worries, eroding the joy she could have experienced.

Determined to make a change, Jane embarked on a journey to cultivate self-trust. She actively worked on reducing negative self-talk and embracing her capabilities in practical ways.

In her parenting role, Jane’s self-trust translated into confident decision-making for her daughter’s future. Instead of worrying incessantly, she actively guided her daughter with assurance, trusting that her advice was valuable. Jane’s confidence became a source of inspiration, fostering resilience in her daughter.

In her management job, Jane’s self-trust is exemplified by her ability to take on new challenges. She stepped into leadership roles, confidently making decisions and advocating for her ideas. Her increased self-assurance impacted her professional growth and contributed to a healthier work-life balance.

Her relationships flourished as Jane prioritized herself, becoming a more fulfilled partner and mother. Financially, she observed tangible progress in her career, climbing the corporate ladder confidently.

Leisure activities became true sources of joy. Jane’s days outdoors became deliberate acts of self-care. Traveling, once riddled with worries, transformed into cherished adventures as she learned to trust that she had earned those moments of relaxation.

Jane’s life after learning self-trust is a pragmatic tale of empowerment, where tangible actions and confident choices contribute to her overall well-being. The story emphasizes the importance of trusting oneself in real, everyday scenarios, leading to positive changes in various aspects of life.

Building self-trust can tremendously impact various aspects of our lives, including our relationships, careers, and overall well-being. By cultivating self-trust, we can make confident decisions, take on new challenges, and prioritize our needs, leading to a more fulfilling and empowered life.

If you want to learn more about How to Build Self-trust, I’m offering a free monthly masterclass on 1/31/24 at 11 AM MT via Zoom. In this class, you’ll learn practical tips and strategies for cultivating self-trust and making confident choices in your everyday life.

Registration is required, but the class is free. To sign up, click this link

I’ll see you there!

Reminder: as part of the benefits offered at Logan Health Whitefish employees get free coaching sessions. You can book an in-person coaching session here or a remote/Zoom coaching session here