
Just today, one of my clients said she feels less anxious. 

She knows how to think things through and how to process her thoughts.

She is able to look at just the facts. 

She is aware that many of her anxious feelings are really just her mind doing its job of keeping her “safe.” 

She now has the power to decide if maybe her worries are valid or not. 

She sees that she has choices, for example, to dwell on being tired or to chose to be happy. 

And she has less tension in her body at the end of the day. 

Y’all- this is pure gold. 

It feels so good for me to support someone else to get to this place in THEIR life. 

I keep saying it, but I’ll say it again for the people in the back: 


But you don’t know what you don’t know. 

So, I’ll say it again: 

Do you want to feel less anxious in your daily life? Call me. 

Do you want to know how to really, REALLY let your worries go? Reach out.

Do you want to know how to choose happiness over feeling tired? Book a consult. 

Do you want less tension in your body at the end of your day?? You can text me, too. 

Image: our dear dog, Max. We love him, but if ever there were an epitome of anxiety and worry, it's him. He works hard to be in the right position for whatever *might* be happening next. He inspects every noise happening outside, even those that are actually in his head. He does everything he can to ensure he is never, ever left behind, even though he can't come with us ALL the time, and even he knows this to be true. He wears a gray bow-tie with black spots on his proximity collar.

to my healthcare peeps

I see you. Actually, I miss you. While I love coaching,
I miss serving the healthcare community, so I’m stepping up.
I firmly believe you have to take care of yourself so that you can take care of others.
Are you doing that?
Do you feel like you CAN do that?
There are so many demands.

You might feel like you will snap if you are asked to do one. more. thing.
And you just want to do your job- providing excellent care for your patients.
And then you are asked to do not just one, but FIVE more things.
And you don’t have a choice.
Your life, livelihood, bills, and family depend on you, and this is what you have to do.
So you put your head down and get it done.

AND then COVID-19. ‘Nuf said.

I want to offer that there is another way.

Nothing, and I mean ZERO outside of you, has to change.
Not your job, not the people around you, not your patients.

You will slow down to increase your work productivity.
You will have enough energy at the end of your day for your family.
You will have better relationships with your peers, the front office staff, the surgical crew, and everyone else in your life.

Through coaching.
Book a consult, and I’ll gladly show you.

@upworthy. photo of healthcare workers in scrubs masks and hats holding signs that read, "We stay here for you, please stay home for us," from early in the COVID-19 global 

it IS possible

Do you want to change your life? 
Call me. 

I don’t make promises I can’t keep. 
I am professional and honest. 
It’s a free call. 
You can have a better life.
I have done it myself. 
You can, too. 
I can help you. 

Do you see this photo below? 
It’s of me- 
no sh*t, genuinely happy, 
on a beach, 
for a long weekend, 
in September. 

Y’all know I live in Montana, right? 
There’s no ocean here. 
I had to go GET it. 

I went after my dreams and made them happen. 
It’s an ongoing process; I’m still making them happen, 
even now, in a global pandemic.

If I can do it, you can, too. 
If you’d like help, 
I’m here for you, and I will not give up on you. 

You start by picking up the phone and calling me. 
Then we set a date & time to talk. 
You tell me what’s going on with you, where you are now and 
where you would like to be. 
I tell you, specifically, how I can help. 
We make a plan. 

If you like how this sounds, and you want to continue to work together, 
we meet once a week via phone. 
We step towards your goal/s together,
in small do-able steps. 

We’ll probably talk about what usually holds you back 
and how to work with that. 
At some point, I’ll most certainly remind you of the bad-ass you truly are. 
And we’ll celebrate. (Celebrating is my favorite.)

Then, one day, in the not-so-distant future, you will see for yourself how easy life CAN be. 
Like one of my clients recently said, “Oh my gosh, my week was so good. EVERYTHING went well this week. I wasn’t as tired or stressed; everything just fell into place.”

It IS possible. 

who the eff you are

This is so fun! 

One of my clients said coaching helped her land a man! 

It was just coffee in a park, no big deal, but she was stressing about what to wear. 

She wanted to be comfortable and not look like a bum, and she didn’t have anything good to wear… 

But then, she remembered who the eff she is;

That she is so much MORE than just her appearance! 

She is sweet, determined, loving, adventurous, independent, and smart, to name just a few. 

“I was able to take it outside of what I look like. I remembered I am all these things- just go for it!”

So, she did just that and went for it! 

And she had a great time. 

And there was another date. 

I wish I had these tools when I was dating!

Who doesn’t want to live in the power of “who the eff I am?!” 

If you are interested in finding or tapping into your power, I can help. 

Pictured: me & my sweetie back in 2004, when we were dating. Boy, am I lucky he stays with me while I figure out who I am, b/c I sure as heck didn't know back then.


I see you there. 

You think you don’t have time. 

You work all day, then come home and start working there. 

You cannot imagine how to take on just one. more. thing. 

You’re barely keeping up as it is. 

What if you give me one hour (a week), I’ll give you ten back? 

This is a true story.

One of my clients wanted a better work-life balance. 

She cut her work by 10 hours a week, without losing her work’s quality or her customer volume. 

As a matter of fact, this month, she is working remotely, from a beautiful tropical location, 

with this view. 

She is stepping into the life of her dreams, and you can, too. 

photo taken by one of my clients of her legs on a table on a balcony with a beautiful view of palm trees, the ocean, and hills in the distance.

your own answers

“So, if I coach with you, are you going to make me get up at 7:30 every morning because I like to sleep in.” 

I laughed out loud; this was a new one for me. 

I first explained that no, I was not going to “make” her do anything. All decisions are hers. 

Second, whether she gets up at 7:30 AM or not is her choice. I just want her to be down with her decision.  

Does she like how she shows up to life when she gets up at 7:30 AM? If so, great! 

Does she like how she shows up to life when she gets up at 10 or 11 AM? If so, also great. 

Maybe when she wakes up at 7:30, she is crabby and sleep-deprived. I don’t know; I’m not around her that early. 

Regardless, what does SHE want? When does SHE feel best? What works for HER? 

My favorite part of coaching is having my clients get to THEIR answers, reflecting back on what THEY want, and then supporting them to be solid on whatever that is.

It’s a beautiful thing.

Pictured: a grainy photo of me because it was dark and in the early morning. Getting up at 5:30 or 6 AM and journaling is what works best for me, and those of you who know me personally know that this was not always the case. I was one of those- don't talk to me until it's after 10 AM- type people. Not anymore. Now, I'm awake & ready to go at 5:30 or 6 AM, and I love it.

you’ve got what it takes


If you are not sure about the statement, “You’ve got what it takes.”- reach out. 
If you know there is something for you to do, but you don’t know WHAT it is- reach out. 
If you know what that something is, but you don’t know HOW to do it- reach out. 
If you know how to do it, but you wish it could be EASIER- reach out.
If you’d like support- reach out. 

I’m Christine. I’m a life coach. I can help you
~ see that you do, in fact, have what it takes. 
~ determine what you would love to do.  
~ decide how to go about doing it. 
~ make it all easier.

design by Marie Forleo/ Team that says, "Fact: you've got what it takes."

feelin’ it today

Hey, y’all.  

How are you doing today? 

I’m great. I’d even say I’m fucking fantastic. I don’t feel this way every day, but today, I’ll take it. 
I am feelin’ it! 
I feel optimistic, excited- like I’m on the verge of something new. 
I think this could even be described as… wait for it… happy.  

My husband is out, living his dream of serving those in need. I know he’s living his best life. 

My step-daughter is about to get on a plane to see her mama, she just finished a semester at school, and she’s happy to be on vacation. I know she’s living her best life. 

While they are both gone, I am going to clean out the house. I have three days alone & I am going to Tasmanian devil up this place- deep cleaning, organizing, and putting away. I’ll listen to podcasts, watch chick flicks or shows, and maybe get some sushi for dinner as a treat. I’m living my best life, too. 

Old me (loving referred to as B.C. or the “BEFORE Christine”) would have been sad and lonely and mopped around the house. Christine 2.0 (the current version) sees that she has power and choice- she is choosing to stay upbeat. She’s taking advantage of this time and opportunity. She’s doing all the things SHE wants to do, and here’s the biggest key to this: since she started LISTENING TO and TRUSTING herself, she now knows what she does & doesn’t like to do; it’s so easy!

And listen, nothing outside of me has changed. The rest of my family is just doing their thing. It’s me- my perspective, my getting to know and trust myself, my ability to find happiness and peace within me.

photo of sassy-Christine, taking a mirror selfie- hand on hip, feeling' it!


Are you willing to be vulnerable? It’s scary, right? 

You think:

What if they don’t like it? 
What if they don’t like me? 
What if the whole thing blows up? 
What if I blow the whole thing up? 
What if no one shows up?

So. much. pressure. 

People struggle to show up as themselves.

Think about the people you follow online. What are you drawn to about them? Can you relate to their messy lives? If your friend showed up for coffee with messy hair, would you send them away? What if they showed up as the hot mess they really are? Of- course, you would say, “Hey, Friend, come on in. How are you? What’s going on? How’s life? Talk to me!” 

It’s the fact that we show up FOR THEM that matters. We all have things we’re working on. 

And when you do show up as your authentic self, some people will like you, and some people won’t, and that’s OK. This is part of the beauty of being human!  

If they don’t like you, then they are not your people. Thank Goodness, not everyone is for everyone! Right?! How boring would life be if that was the case? 

So, show up. 
Be there for your people.  
Someone out there needs you.

fun, before and after

Do you have fun in your life? What do you do for fun? 

I would have said read, but I didn’t read a book purely for story or enjoyment for more than a year (and I am an avid reader). 
I would have said go outside, but in cold weather, I used to complain more than enjoy it. 
I would have said watching TV, but I relinquished my vote for whatever my family wanted to watch. 
I would have said spending time with friends, but I would forgo it when I thought I needed to stay home with my family instead. 
I would have said spend time at the lake, but I couldn’t get there until 6 or 7 PM because I spent my days at work. 

I read just for the joy of it. 
I take a minute to appreciate the beauty around me outside. 
I tap into what I want and state my request out loud. 
I do what I can to make friendships a priority. 
I rearranged my entire life to be able to spend more time at the beach. 

This is a lot more fun!

Photo of my shadow on sand and in shallow water. I am waving to the camera.