It was at this time I realized I needed to SIMPLIFY my life.
I picture a funnel: All. Of. The. Things. are in that funnel, and what gets filtered in the narrow part is where I needed to be.
I didn’t need to be involved in all of the chaos and swirl that was going on around me; I just needed to FOCUS on me and then Scott.
I knew that blaming Scott wasn’t “right,” that I had a role in this too, that I had gotten myself to this place; whether through agreeing or complacency- here I was.
I was acutely aware that I wasn’t the person I wanted to be, so I started doing research. I read books, watched videos, and listened to podcasts. Then, I started life-coaching school (in July), got a coach, and coached myself. I learned to build my confidence by trusting myself (slowly and consistently); I practiced gratitude and compassion, creating inner peace; I found more joy and fun.
And then a funny thing happened on the way to myself- my connection with Scott grew stronger. (Of note, while I was working on myself, he was working on himself, too- we both had things to learn and do to be better versions of ourselves.) Our independent growth created a unique opportunity to rebuild our marriage from ground zero, which we did… and this version is way, way better.
So, what does all of this mean for you?
If you want just more…
If you want greater confidence and self-trust…
If you want inner peace…
If you want to experience joy…
If you want to have fun…
If you want better relationships…
I can help you…
Not only because I have done this for myself (and my clients), but because I have the tools, knowledge, and skills to help you do so, too.