how to add humor. just be your goofy-self

Snapped while preparing for my “How to Give More When You’re Tapped Out” talk for the Biannual All Nursing Staff meeting at Logan Health Whitefish tonight. 

I Zoomed in for this one (I was in person for Tuesday’s talk), so I thought I’d play a few sounds bites to add some spice to my talk. Sure enough, technology said, “Um, no.” The microphone didn’t pick up the volume, and my audience couldn’t hear the sound bites. 

So… I sang “Pound the Alarm” by Nicki Minaj, “Don’t Believe the Hype,” by Public Enemy, and imitated He-Man’s “I have the power” at the appropriate times during the talk. 

You’re welcome.

Hopefully, they also learned how to deal with overwhelm, exhaustion, difficult people, lack of time, and stressful situations like getting called into the boss’ office.

If you’d like help like this, too, reach out. I have two coaching spots opening in November.


While you can’t see it in this photo, the tee-shirt I’m wearing says COURAGE in white across the front. 

cour•age (n.) the ability to do something that frightens one; strength in the face of pain or grief. 

Courage to leave comfort and safety. 
Courage to step into the unknown. 
Courage to have difficult conversations. 
Courage to forgive. 
And courage to ask for forgiveness.

Courage to do uncomfortable things. 
Courage to be vulnerable. 
Courage to find your own back. 
Then courage to have your own back. 
And courage to ask for support, too. 

Courage to learn something new. 
Courage to have no income. 
Courage to let the savings account drop to uncomfortable levels. 
Courage to give up some things. 
And courage to not give up altogether.

When it seems like “it’s not working,” 
like surely all is lost, 
when you have nothing left to give,
take a minute to look for the evidence that it IS WORKING. 

Where is your COURAGE working?
Seriously, stop and look around for a second. Right now. 

What is the result you’re striving for? 
Be specific. 
Pick one goal, result, outcome, or desire. 

Think of 3, 5, or 10 things that prove you ARE actually moving towards this goal. Find the evidence. 
Keep looking.
Take a deep breath.
Good job. 
See, it IS working, and now you’ve found proof. 

You & your courage can keep going with your bad self. 

On a personal note, if you’re still reading, thanks. 
And I have an announcement: 
As of today, I am the life coach for Logan Health Whitefish.
I’ll be working part-time as an independent contractor for a 12-week trial supporting the LHW employees and staff (in the hospital, to start). 

I am SO honored and entirely thrilled to give back to our healthcare community in this way. 

Here’s to bringing ease and grace to the employees and staff at LHW.

If you work there, please get in touch with me to get coached (text, email, DM).
If you know anyone who works there, please share this & encourage them to contact me for coaching. 
If you’re a healthcare worker interested in coaching, please reach out. I have 1-on-1 coaching available for you.

look for the possibility

It’s 4 PM, and your boss just asked to set up a meeting tomorrow. 

You immediately think, “Uh oh, I’m in trouble. What did I do now?” 

With dread, you agree to it, but you’re not available to meet until 11 AM that’s 19 hours- NINETEEN!! 

In the meantime, you have dinner plans with your girlfriends tonight, but there’s no way you’re going to be able to enjoy dinner with this meeting hanging over your head. Plus, your boss is so rude. Who does that at 4 PM?!?!? 

You go to dinner & complain to your friends. They all jump on board with you, complaining about what a jerk your boss is. You feel better for a bit, but it’s fleeting- that sense of dread is still looming. Plus, you just spent the last 20 minutes talking smack about your boss & that doesn’t feel good either. You go home drained & exhausted.

It’s 4 PM, and your boss just asked to set up a meeting tomorrow… You feel that sense of dread for a second, but you take a deep breath. 

You remember that you’re COURAGEOUS, a GOOD FRIEND, you love to have FUN and dance. Just thinking about that warms your heart- if even just for a minute.

You consider what happened, looking at the facts (that which are provable in the court of law):

At 4 PM, your boss said, “Let’s set up a meeting for tomorrow.”

As you’re considering this, you think- well, I’m not aware that I’ve done anything wrong, and even if I have, I’m not going to die from this. (I know this thought sounds drastic, but this is what our brains do- constantly look for danger and things we could die from. Our brains have not changed a lot in the past 100,000 years. )

So you take it another step thinking- 
Maybe my boss is looking to support me on my next project.
Maybe my boss wants to commend me on my last project. 
It’s possible they want to just check in with me and see how things are going.

Now, you see possibility; you feel present & optimistic and can genuinely enjoy your time at dinner laughing with your girlfriends. You go home filled up and joyous. 


what is life coaching with ME?

We’ll walk side-by-side; I picture us on a beach. 

I’ll stop once in a while and look directly into your eyes, seemingly into your heart, into your soul, and I will tell you truthfully what I see- the courage, the bravery, the wonderfulness that is you- so that you can see it too. 

I’ll show you what is possible for your life, we’ll revel in this gloriousness, and then we’ll talk about how, exactly, you will make this will happen for you. 

I’ll give you tough love when you need it, but only because I genuinely love and care about you. I will hold you in this space, even when you are not there for yourself, actually, especially when you are not there for yourself. 

I’ll teach you about your brain and how it can be a jerk sometimes, but also how that’s OK because it’s just doing its job and cares about you, too. 

I’ll help you see what you’ve accomplished, and we’ll celebrate. 

We’ll look at your next steps, get super clear about what they are, and celebrate that, too. 

And then one day, you’ll look back and think, “Wow, look at where I am now. I did that. I feel good, and I did that, too. Remember how I used to be? Look at me now.” 

And you will see that you’re living a life you love, built for you, by you, and it is good. 

If you want some of that for you, REACH OUT!! It really is that easy.

what is a life coach?

International Coach Federation (ICF) defines coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential… The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity and leadership.” 

“Life coaches work with functioning individuals who are looking to create a pathway to reaching set goals. Whether it is work, personal, or family, coaches act as unbiased thinking partners and hold their clients accountable by typically having weekly or bi-weekly one-hour sessions.”

The Life Coaching School:
“Simply put, coaching helps you identify what’s going on in your own brain. When you feel unable to get the results you want or feel frustrated with your life, coaching is the answer. A life coach can help you recognize where you’re stuck and show you exactly what needs to change when you can’t see it yourself.”

Tony Robbins: 
“The life coach definition is someone professionally trained to help you maximize your full potential and reach your desired results. They are like a supportive friend and a trusted adviser rolled into one. They’re someone who will push you to identify your goals, hold you accountable, and provide encouragement throughout your journey to become a better version of yourself.

Life coaches complete extensive training that teaches them how to ask the right questions, communicate effectively and get to the heart of your needs and desires in life.”

handle your business

I have a friend who used to say,  “Handle your business!!” in a loud, drill sergeant-type way, usually directed at his kids, usually when they were trying to tattle on each other about whatever insignificance was annoying them at the time. Of course, their solution was to annoy their dad, who had nothing of it, by telling them to handle their business/ take care of it themselves. I still giggle when I hear this voice in my head when I’m ‘handling my business.’ 

What exactly do I mean by “handle your business?”  It’s simply cleaning up or dealing with whatever needs to be dealt with, so you have more mind-space (or energy) & can focus on other things.

What are the things you think about over and over again, your recurring themes? Do you have a decision to make? Is there something that you continuously push aside? Maybe you forgot about it, but oops, there it is again. 

As I’ve mentioned, September is an excellent month for a fresh start. If you’ve been around here for a while, you know how much I love to journal. So, one way for a fresh start with efficiency is to discover these recurring themes by reviewing your journal & writing a “handle your business” list.

I did this today, reviewing my journals from this past year to see: What has been niggling at me? What needs to be taken care of? What decisions am I avoiding or not making? What have I  been pushing aside or ignoring? 

A few examples: keep Max active- when he doesn’t run enough, he drives us all nuts, so, today, I made a note to stay better on top of this. 

Another, it’s helpful to remember that getting out of the house is good for me. I can grab a coffee or visit the local library (and this will be even more important during our colder months when I tend to hunker down). 

Finally, even something simple, like- it’s September, so I should keep an extra layer of clothes in the car. 

Reviewing your journal/s is an easy way to create a list of ‘business to handle,’ but don’t forget lists aren’t helpful unless you take action. So, what ‘business’ are you willing to handle today to set your future self up for success?

work-life balance

Do you want a work-life balance like this? 
I’ve supported Scott to do it for himself. 
I’ve done it for myself. 
I’ve supported my clients do it. 
And I can support you do it, too.

What does it take? 
Some courage. 
Some grace for yourself. 
Some support.  
Some willingness to a risk. 

If you want a better work-life balance, I will be your support. 
I will point out your courage. 
I will teach you how to have grace for yourself. 
I will hold space & be a support for you. 
I will show you that it’s possible. 
I will remind you of your progress so you can see that it’s working- even when you can’t see it for yourself. 

From one of my clients, “I love how effective she is at examining the ways I’m holding myself back and telling myself untruths, so I can let go of those restraints and move forward.” 

Stop holding yourself back, 
telling yourself untruths, 
let go of those restraints and move forward. 
Message me for support. 

The end.

mitigate stress

I had a few stressful experiences this past August that I’m sharing with you. 

First, my parents came for a visit to Montana. I was concerned about their visit b/c our Delta variant numbers, and hospital admissions have been increasing locally. I, of- course, don’t want them to get sick at all, but especially during a visit to see us. So, I was hypervigilant, analyzing every touch, every person I spoke with, and every place I went for two weeks before their arrival. 

Then, while still raw with this fear and worry (my parents were still here), Scott left on a medical mission trip. He was on a plane within 32 hours, and because he was away at work (he still had to finish his shift, drive 3 hours home, and then pack), we had only 1 hour to spend together before he was off to the Middle East.

My mind was like: Alert! System overload!! Alert! System overload- with all the bright lights and sirens going at once. And, quite frankly, the evening Scott left, I was not firing on all cylinders; I was utterly stressed out, forgetful, and struggled to make any further decisions.

As a coach who pays attention to her mindset, I noted what I could do to help mitigate these seemingly “out of my control” circumstances. [A funny thing about control: when you think you have no control, you actually do b/c you can always control yourself, so you always have some control.] 

First, I gave myself GRACE, and I asked for extra grace from those around me. I asked point-blank, saying, “This is not a good time for me, right now, please be extra kind to me for a little while.”

Second, I STAYED PRESENT, taking each moment as it came and keeping my fears in check, for example, thinking: “At this moment, I’m not aware that Scott is in any imminent danger.” I let that be good enough and kept going. 

Third, I chose to FILTER information. I take news and information in when I am ready to hear and deal with it. While not for everyone, this has been a useful protective mechanism. This does not mean that I’m not aware of what’s happening around me- it just means that I get to choose when I let it in and how I react to it.

I also filtered out the fears, doubts, & worries that my mind offers. Like a toddler about to touch a hot stove, I push those thoughts aside and then focus on something more interesting… like staying present, being kind to others, and having grace for myself.


How was your summer? 

Are you hanging on to the last few days? 

Here in NW MT, the days are shorter, the nights are cooler, and the kids are heading back to school. 

Summer is my favorite time of year, but September is also one of my favorite months. It’s a time for fresh starts and new beginnings. 

I’ve enjoyed my time today rearranging my office, writing lists, organizing the projects & getting clear on what is on the horizon for me next. 

Just like it doesn’t have to be a new year to have a resolution, it doesn’t have to be a new season to start a new season for you.  

What are you up to next this season? 

I’m working to create habits that better serve me

If you scroll back in my IG feed, you will see a post that reads, “I am working to change habits that no longer serve me.”
It was my mantra in 2019. 
Since then, I’ve enjoyed watching myself grow and evolve, being mindful and doing just this- working to put down that which does not serve me. 

Now, I’m ready for the next level, to build some better habits that serve me.

Like finding joy in working out. 
Paying attention to what I eat.  
Choosing not to drink alcohol. 
Creating good business habits (which is different from good work 

I continue to level up, moving onto the next growth area and improving, making life easier and more fun.