
To be appreciative is to feel or show gratitude or pleasure.

Similar to gratitude, we can look for the good in other people, sit with it for a bit, and absorb it into our core.

Do you feel generally appreciated in life? At work? For the things you do? For the things you don’t do?

What about this- how much do you appreciate those around you? Do you look for the good in others? Then, when you find it, do you take a minute to appreciate and soak that goodness into your core?

Let’s try it. Think of one person in your life. Can you list ten things you appreciate about them? Which one or two “appreciates” would you be willing to carry around with you for a bit? Are you willing to speak with that person and share your appreciation? If so, by when?

Bonus: can you do the same with someone more difficult- find ten things you appreciate about them, select one or two to hold onto, share your appreciation with them, and choose a date/ time to do so?

What do you see now? How do you imagine you will feel after you share this appreciation with them? How or do you feel when someone shares what they appreciate about you with you? Let’s get out and spread more of that goodness.

2 Replies to “appreciate”

  1. Amazing reading, will try and do this this week before it’s forgotten… 🙂 You’re appreciated immensely!

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