an angry elf

Do you react to everything through anger?

It’s as if everything is held in with a loosely held cork that could blow at any second.

Underneath all of that anger is

Frustration because you feel an expectation of perfection, and you don’t even know how NOT to hold that expectation of yourself. Maybe you’re not even aware that you do.

Dismay because you thought your life would go another way, but the reality of your life is different from your previously held dreams and aspirations.

Heartache because of the powerlessness you feel daily.

And this all results in apathy because you don’t give a damn anymore.

You’ve given up trying.

I want you to know that none of that is true. Zip. Zero. Zilch. 0%.

It’s just the B.S. your brain serves up.

You don’t have to be perfect; who defines perfection anyway?
What does perfect look like?
According to whom?
Who died and gave them all the power?
And why are you letting that rule you anyway?

Sure, the reality of life is sometimes different from your previously held dreams & aspirations, but every moment that you decide to stay where you are is a moment that you continue to make that choice again and again.

Don’t say that you thought your life would go another way.

This is where it went.

What do you want to do now?

Get up & make it be so.

Make different choices.

Take different actions.

This brings us so eloquently to the last point.

When you take different actions, you are empowered.

Sitting in apathy IS powerless.

So make different choices; start with making just one different choice.

Here’s something you can have power over.
How do you WANT to feel?

What thought would you need to think to feel that way?

Find evidence of how that thought is or could be true.

See how that IS true.

Make decisions & take action from there.

If you want to learn how not to be an angry elf….
If you want to feel less frustrated, dismayed, and heartache and more empowered, calm, and joyful, I can help. Seriously. I have been there, too. We can do a consult. OR you can join me for the next CSC Masterclass, where I’m sharing my # 1 easiest & most helpful coaching tool where you will learn exactly what to do next.