all feelings are welcome

All feelings are welcome. 

This topic comes up frequently during coaching sessions. 

Often we are the most upset when we’re resisting the emotions we feel. 

Maybe we don’t want to be uncomfortable. 

Maybe we’re afraid of what will happen when we feel those feelings. 

Maybe we think it’s “wrong” or “shouldn’t” feel a certain way. 

But, when we accept what is, including feeling, all the feels, is when the energy shifts, the space opens, and we can move through it. 

Try it for yourself. 
I feel __ b/c __. 
Keep going & get all the “yuck” out on paper. Write it down or share it with a friend. 

Then ask yourself: how would you rather feel? 

What thoughts could you think to help you feel that way? 

Some examples (and feel free to borrow any of these thoughts for yourself): 

I am INSPIRED. The sun is shining, and I feel good today. So let’s take advantage of this time and make hay while the sun shines! 

I am GRATEFUL for the love & support that’s around me. Specifically, I have a wonderful spouse who let me cough up all my yuck to him this morning.  
I am LOVING. I will return his love to him by being appreciative & sharing how much better I feel with him. 
I am IN AWE of the human experience; what a trip life is- the good & the bad. I’m thrilled to be witnessing it. 
I am SUPPORTIVE. I will do my best to support others in what they want to do and how they want to show up to life. 

Book a free discovery call if this interests you and you would like to learn how to accept and work through your feelings, including accepting the yuck feelings and feeling how you would rather feel.

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