change your life

Changing your entire life is possible, and you can trust that I know because I’ve done it.

I had a good job but felt miserable.
I had a big, beautiful house but wanted a different one.
I had a great relationship but was still not happy.

And I turned it all around with one simple thing:

I paid attention to & questioned my thoughts.

Instead of letting my mind run amok in all the miserableness I was making up in my head (my life was not really that bad at all)–

~ I saw how changing my life could be possible.
~ I decided where to start (picking only one thing).
~ I created a plan.
~ I implemented that plan, taking action consistently.
~ I evaluated my actions, corrected the course & kept going.

All while being willing to be uncomfortable and mitigating my negative emotions when they came up.

These are literally the exact steps to change your life.

Think about any change you implemented in your own life, and you will see this process.
Getting a job:
You decided you wanted a job; you decided where to start.
You created a plan: apply for the job.
You implemented the plan: you applied for the job.
You were willing to be uncomfortable in the interview for the job (does anyone LOVE a job interview?).
You mitigated your negative emotions: you didn’t go running & screaming out of the room instead of sitting for the interview.
Then, either you got that job, or you didn’t. If you didn’t, you likely considered what you could do differently for the next job you applied for.

Now, apply this process to any change you would like to make in your life.
Losing weight:
Decide: are you watching what you eat, exercising more, or both?
Create a plan: what are you eating/ not eating; when & what are you doing for exercise?
Implement the plan: eat/ don’t eat the foods you planned. Exercise what & when you said you would.
Be willing to be uncomfortable: be willing not to eat the cookies when you want to. Be willing to work out when you don’t want to.
Mitigate your negative emotions: keep going even when it feels like it’s not working.
Evaluate what’s working, what isn’t & what you can do differently.
Be willing to be uncomfortable: be willing not to eat the cookies when you want to. Be willing to work out when you don’t want to.
Mitigate your negative emotions: keep going even when it feels like it’s not working.

If you’d like to learn more about how to apply these steps to YOUR life to create change, join me on Wednesday, January 10, 2024, at 11 AM MT for my next free monthly masterclass. Registration is required & you can do so by clicking here. I hope to see you there!

As a reminder, Logan Health Whitefish employees get free coaching sessions. You can book an in-person coaching session here or a remote/Zoom coaching session here.