being present

There were a few years when I just existed and didn’t actually live my life. 

I simply wasn’t interested in participating. 

I wanted to stay home, on the couch, or in bed. 

Almost all the time. 

Any excuse would do: I was too cold, too busy, too tired, too whatever to participate in my life. 

I skipped out on everything I thought I reasonably could. 

But eventually, I felt like I was watching my life play out on a movie screen rather than living it. 

I knew something was off, but I didn’t know what it was, how to get help, or where to begin. 

I read books, watched videos, and listened to podcasts, consuming as much information as possible. 

But everything really changed when I started applying what I learned to myself and my life. 

I learned to question my thoughts. 

Here’s how: 
1. I noticed the voice inside my head, my brain, the me that talks to me. 

2. I learned how to hear it and identify my thoughts. 

3. “Is it true?” Usually, upon questioning, I could see that those thoughts were not actually true. 

4. But if they felt true, I would question further, “Does thinking this thought serve me?”

5. If that thought didn’t serve me, but I still wasn’t ready to put it down, I would turn that thought around and look for a newer, truer thought. 

6. And when my brain & I found the thought that truer thought– the old thought never bothered us again. 

Your thoughts are optional. 

You get to choose what thoughts to think. 

You can always look for better thoughts to think. 

Let’s break down the untrue thoughts you are thinking now and find better ones for you. Book a consultation call.

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