
Do you like to travel? I love it, but it wasn’t always this way.

I used to get super stressed out. 

I would rush everywhere, practically running from place to place in disheveled haste. 

I would be stressed out about what to pack and what to leave home as if every decision was life or death. 

Every event, excursion, or add-on would throw me into a financial debate– justifying if the activity was worth the money spent. 

Because we were in new & unfamiliar places, I would be hyper-vigilant, always watching to keep Tara close & safe (sometimes hard to do with an independent, usually free-to-roam child). 

And this was supposed to be a relaxing vacation. Ha! 

I have since learned how not to worry so much & stay present. 

Things happen. Plans don’t go as planned. Connections are missed, bags are lost, and trips are canceled. 

Here’s what I do now—the best I can. That’s it. 

99.9% of these things I cannot control. 

I do my best with what I can control & I don’t try to control the rest. 

Because I know there isn’t any amount of stressing, worrying, yelling, being rude, or getting upset that will magically make a missed connection reappear. 

But staying calm, cool, and collected and moving from point A to point B will help me have a better travel (and life) experience. 

If you like to travel but are tired of stressing about it; 
if you would like to know how to stay present but don’t know where to start; 
if you want to have a better life experience, 
Let’s get you feeling better. 
I offer a complimentary, no-obligation consultation. 
Book here.

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