how to recover

You’re going to fall in life;

expecting not to would be unrealistic.

And it’s OK; this is how we learn.

The question is: how long will you stay down?

The longer you are down, the longer it will take you to reach your goal.

Also, if you spend all your time afraid of falling, you won’t enjoy your time up, living in constant fear of falling.

But once you do fall, you see it was not that bad.

And each time you get up again, brush yourself off & keep going, you build resilience, getting up faster the next time.

For example, maybe you were hoping for a second date, but he never called.

Maybe you were hoping for a promotion, but you weren’t selected.

Maybe you were hoping to close a deal, but it fell through.

1. Decide the amount of time you will be sad. (Yes, you get to decide how long you feel sad. For example, do you need two minutes, 20 minutes, or 2 hours?

Feel total sadness, disappointment, & upset during that time.

Cry, call your girlfriends, mope around, & do what you do to feel sad.

2. When the time is up, move on by describing how the emotion feels:
Where is it in your body?
What shape is it?
What color?
Is it heavy or light?
How does it move?

3. Next, find what is true- no story, just the facts.

For example, you had a first date.

You pursued a promotion.

You created a business opportunity.

4. Then take it up a notch. What worked well to create these results in the first place?

What did you think, feel & do to get that first date?

How are you a great candidate for the promotion?

How did you create the business opportunity?

5. Lastly, what would you like to do differently next time?

What can you think, feel & do to create more first dates?

How will you build your resume for the next promotion?

How will you create more opportunities?

6. Then do exactly that.

The longer you stay down, the longer it will take you to achieve what you want.

The sooner you get back up with these insights & clear “directions” of what to do, the sooner you will achieve what you want.

P.S. If you’d like support when you fall in life to get back up & get going sooner, I can help. I offer a complimentary, no-obligation consultation. Click here to book.